{Chapter 14}

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  "My lady, I insist that you allow her to come with us! She needs to know about the chaos regarding the tribes! To deal with the radicals we need her to see first hand. Please madam, I urge you to reconsider." The knight pleaded.

  "You understand the rules as best as I, you were cast out from the werewolves because you were a half breed! I am to young to have a child as old as her but she is to young to pass as a mentor! Since she is younger than me there is no way she could pass as princess or mentor. I see no way how it would be accepted for her to sit beside me for the meeting." The bloody eyed Queen argued back. 

  "She could pose as a knight," The man suggested. He took a step towards his leader who was posed sitting down cross legged on the edge of her bed with her face buried in her hands. She only looked up to argue with her guard. Her back was bent over in quite the undignified manner.

  "We both know she is much to small for a knight," The ruler huffed. "I know that she should go, her ideas always prove helpful and a good compromise but this time I don't know."

  "Please your majesty, she wants to." He begged.

  "Oh Lady Hekate, help me,"

~~~~~⚠️Lil' trigger warning: some gore and implied themes⚠️~~~~~

  "Right there! That woman is very well dress and is decorated from head to toe in gold! Look at all of her escorts! She's a perfect target!"

  An ambush attack was not planned along the way home from the vampire kingdom. Nana was horrified as they killed her escorts and stripped her of her jewelry and clothes. Tears poured from her eyes as the gifts Zane had given her had been torn apart. Once they were finished they turned to her and grinned horribly. "Oh, looks like the little lady still has a little necklace on. Grab it then we're gonna have some fun with her," A gnarled human ordered.

  She squealed as she was lifted and Zane's rose quarts and obsidian necklace was ripped from her neck. She was aggressively shoved into the ground as her tears drenched her face.

  "YOU WILL DROP EVERYTHING AND LEAVE!" Nana yelled at them as the leading human stepped closer to her.

  "Oh please! And why is that?" He asked.

  When she didn't answer he just rolled his eyes and dragged her to his level by her hair. The last thing the attackers were expecting was for his eyes to be claw out. He dropped the suddenly light princess and let his hands flee to his eyes.

  "You leave now and never do this again, You leave now and never do this again, You leave now and never do this again, You leave now and never do this again, You leave now and never do this again, You leave now and never do this again, You leave now and never do this again!" Whispered the enraged princess. "If you do, you will suffer a grueling fate..." she called as they ran from her sight.

  Nana stood still and took control of her rapid breathing before searching for her broken pendant. Once she found it, she scooped it up in her jaws and turned to the forest and fled. She fled back to her home, back to her castle and fell right before the door. She didn't have the energy to continue going. As she fell into her own unconscious mind she heard the door creak open and a gasp before she finally let go.

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