{Chapter 21}

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  "I have been dealing with an uprising. I see and understand your anger but I am in a difficult situation. I will be better suited to apologize at a later date." Lucinda gently explained to the enraged leaders.

  "A difficult situation?" Asked King Kansen. "You rule a whole kingdom! Surely you are capable of at least providing the formalities! That guard behind you is a werewolf!" Every ruler was aggravated. 

  Garroth blushed at his mention. He didn't think his scent was that obvious. He sighed at the reminder of the helmet that uncomfortably hugged his ears. He thought he hid it well.

  Garroth turned away from the lone Vampire King and looked upon the Meif'wa King. Garroth felt embarrassed as he realized he'd been staring at the Vampire for a little too long. He'd never been a formal guard before. Sure, he was a great fighter but he wasn't properly trained in custom or protocol.

  How was he supposed to react when the King of THE VAMPIRES smells familiar?! He smells like... childhood? Garroth remembered werewolves attributed smells to certain moments and people, like dogs, to remember things better. That's why werewolves sometimes recognize smells but not people or places.

  All of Garroth's senses were kicked into over drive. He had sworn to protect Lucinda, as his queen, but he deeply cared for Aphmau too. The hostility of these rulers made him fear the worst. What if one of the guards from different clans attacked? How would they attack? Garroth swayed slightly from side to side. Spots threatened his vision.

  Garroth froze when Aphmau was the next to speak, "We have gotten word of your troubles and would like to assist you." Aphmau looked at King Derek and Queen Rachel. "We think the people who attacked your young soldier were rogue humans. They have been causing big issues for us. And we believe they possess something powerful."

  Garroth noticed how Zane jumped at this mention. "Something powerful? Do you have any idea what it is? A relic of some kind?" Zane pushed questions at the humans while the rest of the leaders were revolted by the scandal. How dare this girl speak?

  Lucinda was the one to intercept his questions. "Possibly. What is your interest, King Zane?"

  Zane.... Zane!? That name felt unnervingly familiar. Maybe it was because he was a King, but still.

  "I think we all should have interest, should we not Queen Lucinda? In any case, several humans have made... attempts... to breach Vampire territory. Everything is under control. However, is this uprising taking place near the Werewolf-Vampire-Human border? Your eastern border?" Zane was impressively calm, few other leaders had accepted the fact Aphmau spoke. These leaders included the Meif'wa and Fairies.

  "You are correct. However, we have not identified the powerful item they have been using. Could we continue on with the meeting as per usual?"

  Nobody knew what else to do so they did. Everything went fine aside from the glares of mistrust the others sent towards the humans. If anything was amiss none of the leaders admitted so.

  Well, nothing was amiss until the Meif'wa announced they had one more thing to say. King Kansen sternly glared at Zane. "King Zane, we expect you accepted our invitation to the Spring Palace?"

  Garroth's head spun. Zane was invited to the Meif'wa's Spring Palace?! Everybody was in shock. Even Zane himself.

  Zane glanced at the werewolves. What was this passive aggression towards him and the werewolves. Were they trying to challenge the vampires and their nemesis?

  Zane recovered quickly however. "Yes, I would be honored to come. When would be the optimal time?"

  Zane stood along with the Meif'wa. Garroth noted the giddy excitement of the Ashida daughters.

  "You will arrive in two weeks time. Yes?" The neko queen pushed.

  "Of course. I will be there," And with that last comment, the lone vampire fled the room.

  Each representing clan followed after him. The Humans did so last.

  "I know him? How do I know him!?" Garroth asked his queen in a panic.

  "Who?" Lucinda responded.

  "The vampire! Zane! I know him!" Garroth repeated.

Vampire King and the Meif'wa PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now