{Chapter 24}

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  The Vampires were met by a few of the Royal Meif'wa children. None of which happened to be Nana (much to Zane's disappointment).

  They bowed respectfully. "Greetings your Majesty. It is an honor to be hosting you. Mother and Father have scheduled dinner at precisely 6:00. Does that work for you?"

  Zane nodded. After he did so the younger prince bowed again and walked off.

  "We have butlers that will show you to your room now..." An awkward pause,  "...AHEM"

  Finally, 3 finely dress men walked out. They bowed, however this time it was a traditional meif'wa bow. All in sync, they grabbed their under forearms with their right hands while keeping their other hand perfectly horizontal. They leaned on one leg gracefully and presented their arms. This was a show of respect and servitude among Meif'wa.

  They did not speak, as per tradition, and led the way to 4 separate rooms. Not before gliding up just one flight of stairs. This wasn't unnoticed by Zane and his entourage. All of which had grown accustomed to a crap ton of cardio over the years.

  The castle was quite a sight. Zane took special consideration of the countless paintings and hand-woven tapestries. They were extravagant. The paintings were colorful and abstract, the woven silk had such vibrancy, and the art itself was breathtaking. Zane wondered if there were hidden meanings behind the seemingly chaotic arrangement of color. He thought that there were distinguishable shapes?

  Zane made a mental note to absolutely inquire where they had gotten such artisan products.

  They arrived that the rooms at last. "You may feel free to explore the palace. We are available anytime by ringing the bells." The tall one explained. "We can assist you with anything."

  Zane, before walking in, responded: "Do you have a library? Where is it?"

  The tall butler jumped out of his skin as the vampire asked. Zane recognized that it was a required message the butlers had to relay but surely there guests have asked them questions before?

...Wait, was he gonna cry?

  Before any tears were spilled a more confident (and significantly shorter) butler rose beside him and place a hand on the taller's back. "Of course, Behind the main stairs you saw at the entrance."

  Zane nodded before turning around and slamming the door. He hoped that the tall one jumped out of his skin. A snort from Gene and scoff from Zenix echoed through the door. Zane smiled, knowing he did.

  He surveyed the room. Eyes carefully picking apart the details. The color scheme was green and yellow. Green bedsheets, yellow walls, brown furniture, green decor, and yellow accents. There was a bed to Zane's left and desk to Zane's right. The right wall near his polished desk had a door. Zane assumed it led to a bath and lavatory. But in front of him was the real view. 

  A bookshelf spanned across the entire wall just below a window. A beautiful window. The glass was stained in the most eye catching and visually appealing mosaic. The colors seemed to flow with a disregard for order. Zane reasoned there had to be some secret pattern that made is so alluring. Not to mention it was huge. The sun beamed through and onto the floor, taking up most of it, in rainbow color. The time it must have taken to design and install...

  Before he got settled, the dark haired man noticed a book on his temporary desk. It had a green cover with golden accents. Practically matching the room, he thought. 

  Under it peeked a piece of paper. Zane slid it from under the book and read: 

  Dear Zane,

  Here's a little book I picked for you. "Tales of a Distinguished Dynasty" it is called. I favorite of my history books and a well written one too! It's from a credible priestess, Chouka Etō. I believe I told you, but she is very famous and I love her work ^w^.

  Feel free to keep it. This is a very popular book and I would love for you to have it. Maybe we could talk about it once your done reading? I can tell you of the interpretations most meif'wa take from her work. But whatever is totally fine!

Talk to you soon!

  -Nana Ashida <3

  This had to have been the hottest thing anybody had ever done.

  Zane was giddy with excitement at her offerings to talk about it. He mentally noted to ask about her favorite part. She was so cute when she talked about things she liked.

  "Your Majesty? Dinner is in one hour."

  Zane was kicked abruptly from his wet dream by his annoying companions.

  "That's good," He wouldn't admit it, but Zane was STARVING. His itching to see her would have to wait until another time.

Vampire King and the Meif'wa PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now