{Chapter 9}

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  Zane was so full when he escorted Princess Kawaii~Chan to dinner. Nana joked about how sweet their blood must taste by now. But Zane claimed that she was sweet enough already. Everyone was smiling and rolling their eyes as they arrived to dinner with blushes covering their faces. Zenix, however, was nowhere to be found.

  And once again, Zane vs his mask, and Kawaii~Chan continued her interrogations. The distracted King still glaring until her attention finally swung back to him. He was trying to look menacing while battling his mask until he was suddenly bombarded with questions. 

  He was still taken aback she asked him "What was your favorite book that we read?" "How did you like my baking?" "Also, this food is great! The chefs name is Lex, right? I need to congratulate them again!" Then all of the sudden she stopped to bat her shiny, golden eyes at him as if she expected him to remember each question and answer them on the spot.

  "I-, uhm, think, I-... uhm... what was the question again?" Zane struggled to find a proper way to answer her quick questions until he simply gave up.

  She giggled and slowed herself down realizing that maybe she had to much sugar. "I barely even remember!" She giggled again as Zane creased his brow in a worried manor.  "I just want to know which book you enjoyed most," She smiled at him and awaited his answer more patiently this time.

  "Oh right, hmm... I think the one I most enjoyed was the book that detailed the beginning of each of the Six Dynasties, I must admit I was disappointed though with the lack of knowledge regarding the humans," Zane concluded.

  "Oh that one was good! Was it also the one that-"

  "YOUR MAJESTY!" A woman came tumbling through the door, she was covered in sweat with a concerned look presented on her face. "We have urgent news, Zenix requests a meeting with you regarding this topic," Huffed the well built woman as she gracefully handed the ruler a scroll.

  Zane pushes away his half eaten meal and quickly reads over the document. His eyes widen and he holds an open hand up. The woman pulls out a quill, dips it in the black liquid, and hands it to Zane. He writes a few words down nervously and hands the paper back and stands up.

  "Please excuse me, there is something I must do. And Zachary, I request a meeting with you, Zenix, and my advisors in my chancery," He turned to his confused guest and politely asked her to take her time and finish up, "I have some business to do, feel free to keep eating or retreat to your room. Anyone here would be happy to help you," He smiled and said something quietly to the now calmer lady as she picked up the scroll. She nodded and the strong messenger ran off.

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