{Chapter 12}

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  Dinner was delightful. Nana was over the moon with joy as she noticed that her special order was carried out perfectly and deliciously.

  While she was in the middle of devouring her food Nana noticed that Zenix wasn't in his seat. Zane didn't seem to mind, his wretched mask was to time consuming to worry about his military leader.

  Kawaii~Chan grinned and leaned over to him. He looked up noticing her moving closer, he froze  as he saw how close she was. She smiled at his and tugged down his mask. "Try that," She finished.

  Everyone in the room was stunned. Sasha couldn't help her self and burst into laughter. After Kawaii~Chan sat back down she noticed Zane getting up and storming out. Her eyes widened and her kind smile fell into worry. What did she do wrong? She didn't even have the chance to see his face!

  She tried to get up until Gene spoke. "Don't, just finish your food."

  "He's a little sensitive." Sasha giggled.


For the rest of dinner Nana found herself no longer able to eat her formerly scrumptious dinner. She kept looking back and forth between her plate and the door.

  "If you won't eat then leave." Said Gene. "Check the Garden" Sasha suggested.

  Nana nodded and hastily got up to leave. She walked past the library and thought about it for a second. She shook her head and kept walking, however after taking a few more steps she couldn't resist the desire to check the library. So, she turned around and strutted towards the library.

  Her footsteps echoed around the halls as she turned and swiftly curved into the library. She noticed the balcony on the far side of the room and a figure staring upwards. Confidently she locked her eyes onto the silhouette and kept a steady pace towards it.

  Once she arrived she took a deep breath as her confidence dwindled. However, she remembered what she need to do and who she was doing it for. Her excitement lead her to walk up next to him and stare at the breathtaking garden below.

  Once Zane finally noticed her his hand flew to his face to try and cover it again with his mask. When he realized he discarded it into the garden below in embarrassment he tried to flee to potentially find another.

  She noticed that she had startled him. He tried to leave again but she quickly grabbed his wrist. She knew he wanted to leave but she wanted to talk with him. Is he whined as she stepped closer to him and adjusted her arms to his bicep. He froze hesitantly as he felt her hands move higher.

  Once she was sure he wouldn't try to leave again she glided her hands to his neck. Nana walked around to him facing his chest. She settled with her hands wrapped around his neck which he was turning very uncomfortably away from her. He seemed terrified for her to see his face.

  "Zane..." She whispered. Kawaii~Chan attempted to coerce him into submission. He sucked in a deep breath resisting her advances. Nana sighed and instead reach a hand to his turned face. Her hand landed on the soft skin of his cheek.

  Slowly moving, the meif'wa turned his face towards her as gently as she could. 

  Nana gasped as her hand continued to caress Zane's blushing face. "Please, don't say anything... I know what your thinking..." Zane was always self conscious of himself. As a child he was commonly told that he had his fathers eyes yet his mother's vampiric complexion. He hated his father and dearly missed his mother. She had left him as a child but he couldn't find it in himself to be mad at her.

  "You're beautiful"  Nana complimented, completely ignoring his request to stay silent.

  His already pink cheeks flushed to the point where it was noticeable on his nose and ears too. 

  "Th-Thank you," He accepted but he didn't believe it. He thought she was lying to him to earn his favor. He was repulsed by his own appearance, his freckles. Nothing like the beauty standards of other clans or even his own. In his culture he would be considered perfect if it weren't for his shining blue eyes. Blue eyes are considered a werewolf like trait.

  She gave him a breathtaking smile, if Zane could physically blush more, he would've. Instead he cleared his through and offered her a gift. "I had a gift made for you," He was happy to change the subject when her head tilted and her ears perked curiously.

  He stuck his hand down his pocket before revealing a tiny box. "What is it?" Nana asked

  "Two necklace pendants, rose quartz and black obsidian, it's remarkable that they were found together intertwined in such a way." And he was right, There was a semi-translucent pink crystal that twisted into a shining black color. Swirling in and out of each color so harmoniously.

  "Are they for us?!" She asked. However it sounded more like a statement, like they were for the two of them.

  "I had one made for you, but I guess they had enough for two." Kawaii~Chan giggled, "You rhymed." 

  He rolled his eyes and set down the box. He picked one up and unhooked it, Nana turned around and gracefully lifted her long hair. He reached around her neck and place the necklace there. Now all he hand to do was hook it back together. This proved challenging as he had to step forward, his chest and her back now brushing together. 

  After some internal and external stressing Zane finally managed to click them together. Nana excitedly turned as he stepped back and grabbed her own necklace. She looked up at the man before her expectantly. He was confused for a second before blushing and turning around. Kawaii~Chan managed to fit the crystal around his neck and clip them together quickly.

  "Would you like to go for a walk to see the setting sun?" Zane asked.

  "I would love to."

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