{Chapter 16}

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 Aaron did not like King Zane, Aaron did not like King Derek, Aaron did not like meetings of the Leaders, and Aaron hated the buttons on his suit. It has been 3 weeks since he has gone to the last dramatic session in which his parents accused the Vampires of murder. 

  He wasn't one for sympathy, but the sheer confusion that lingered on King Zane's face during the entire accusation made it obvious he had not done it. King Zane's body language consisted of nothing but suspicion towards the rest of the clans. Yet Aaron was pleasantly surprised as Zane held his own and defended his people. The pale vampires hadn't ever struck Aaron as a coward, but Zane's personality and undeniable intelligence differentiated him from past rulers.

  Each year, Aaron had a whole unit dedicated to Vampires in his ruling class. Despite Melissa being a perfect match for the throne, both Rachel and Derek insist that Aaron (who really does not want the crown) should be King. Something about the "oldest son", whatever that means. The point is that Aaron knows a surprising amount about the demonic empire.

  Let's just say that Vampires were commonly known for wanting to be left alone. Often not answering accusations head on and working around it with big words and a fast pace. Not to say that King Zane lacked these abilities, the surprise arose when the King commented on the offending claim so directly.

  Aaron's train of thought left him when his hands suddenly hand no more buttons to work on. He cleared his mind and focused on the present. His suit was simple and comfortable, Princes, or Kings, we're not known to wear such clothes.

  He was disappointed that it hadn't taken longer for him to get ready for the political meeting he had to attend with his father. After turning and shuffling towards the door he felt his limps grow heavier with anger. Melissa is the better public speaker by far! Why must I take over the throne? When Melissa is passionate about something she gets it done. When I want to do something and get told 'no' I just agree and sit down. What makes me better then her?

  Aaron sat between his father, the Leader of Defenses, the representatives, and the reporters. This meeting was to discuss truce and possibility of an alliance with the meif'wa.

  Coming to agreements with the meif'wa was difficult for the werewolves. In retrospect, they never really got along with any clans really. The werewolves were to stubborn to agree with the dainty meif'wa but they were also to stubborn to even start considering allying with the more obstinate clans.

  Several days ago reports arrived informed the king and queen that one of the daughters of King Kansan and Queen Lica had visited the Vampires. There was no doubt that the Princess had most likely visited the king. Zane was not yet an absolute monarch for he had no spouse but the throne recognizes that Zachary has stepped down so Zane, while it not being official, is technically the ruler of the vampires by default. An absolute monarch, in vampire society, is the king or queen that is the rightful ruler that has an established dominance over his or her people. So Zane is due for a husband or wife to rule beside him and help continue the bloodline (Yes, Mpreg does exist in this world, get used to it or get out).

  Aaron of course knew all of this because of his ruling class.

  In any case. This was a problem, so far the meif'wa have proved very useful. They have helped with resources and artisan materials that the werewolves didn't know they needed. The vampires however were equally powerful to the werewolves, as much as the werewolves refused to admit it. Losing this chance for an alliance would be very dangerous because another clan making an alliance with the vampires could mean another rival for the werewolves.

  The vampires already had the Ogres on their side. A boar-headed society of people without boundaries and who were very skilled in combat. The mix of the strong ogres and the talented meif'wa with the added sheer power of the vampires could sorta create a kinda huge issue for the werewolves.

  All of this was going to be discussed at the meeting. As always Aaron knew it would go something like this: when the generals were done and the the quiet prince not yet spoken, his father would ask his opinion and he would mumble some statistics and repeat what the generals had already said.

  As the meeting commenced Aaron realized there wasn't much the werewolves could do. They can't just ask the meif'wa to stop negotiating with the vampires. This would only spark another unnecessary disagreement with the meif'wa.

  Aaron never felt worried about his clan. Not until now. He always saw the werewolves as more powerful and influential then any other clan. But now, he was realizing that they were far from it.

Vampire King and the Meif'wa PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now