{Chapter 19}

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  Zane's eyes search restlessly for Kawaii~Chan after he had arrived at the meeting hall. However it was clear that the Meif'wa family had not yet arrived. He was quite anxious, he prayed Nana would be one of the children chosen to attend.

  Wait! That was when Zane spotted Queen Lica coming through the door along with her husband and a younger meif'wa. Another Ashida?  Purple hair, similar complexion, darker skin, yellowish eyes? Not comparable to Kawaii~Chan's beauty.

  Disappointed he turned. Walking towards the hall that lead to the leader's tables he heard the door open once more. In an instant, a pair of nimble arms wrapped around his waist accommodated with a little giggle. It was Kawaii~Chan!

  He sighed as he turned to greet her. "Hello again Ms. Ashida. How are you this evening?" 

  She smiled with excitement, "I am quite well, how are you fairing?" She replied teasingly.

  "Fantastic," He answered, "I am very glad to see you again. Do you think we could arrange another meeting-" He was abruptly cut off by King Kansen.

  "I trust that you will be a guest at the spring castle? My wife and I have been considering possible times for you to visit. Is there any particular times that you would like to specifically request?" The King asked. While he attempted to sound polite, only hostility towards his daughter's potential suitor was conveyed.

  Despite being caught off guard Zane recovered quickly. "I have not yet set any sort of plans for the following few weeks to come. How would that work?" The vampire returned the question.

  Kansens's eye's narrowed, "Splendid, we will see you in 2 weeks from now by the day." The King decided before hastily joining his wife.

  Slightly shaken, Zane turned back towards Kawaii~Chan, who seemed overwhelmed with joy. "Eeeee! Now I can show you my garden and library. It may not have as much grandeur as yours, it is still breathtaking! I can show you my favorite spot! I'm so excited!" She fantasized over showing Zane around the library and the garden hand in hand as she drooled.

  Zane smiled. He loved her shining eyes and contagious laugh, he was so ridiculously close to getting on one knee and asking to marry her right then and there.

  He was left to imagine what might have happened as the meeting started. Nana jumped at the chance to lock arms and drag him into the never ending hallway. What used to be endless and mind numbing was now a disappointment as they unlocked their arms to find their seats. The pair found themselves longing for just another second of touch as they reluctantly found their spots.

  As they sat down the werewolf prince looked poised to burst until, BAM.

  Queen Lucinda of the humans slammed the door open just as the werewolves were about to speak. Her red cape followed her dramatically to her seat as two humans hastily followed behind her. A short woman with olive skin, raven hair, and orange eyes. His eyes were not following her though, Zane was more appalled by the Queen's guard. Tall and muscular but reeking of half breed. Blond hair and tinted green eyes adorned his tan body.

  Once settled, Lucinda looked around at her surprised peers.

  "Excuse us, please do begin." She said with a smile.



I kinda forgot about wattpad since school started back up again.

I'll make sure to begin updating more.

Thank you, SO MUCH, for your patience

Vampire King and the Meif'wa PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now