{Chapter 26}

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  A scrawny werewolf with blue eyes, a high voice, green hair, and green ears stumbled through the humble hall of Alpha Derek. He anxiously picked at his thumb as he glanced at the much more mature and vastly more impressive guards behind him.

  Daniel shivered as he gazed upon the Royal Ultimas he now stood before. His ears folded and he shrunk back in submission. He was an omega after all. Daniel the Messenger was about to bring horrible news to the Alpha King and he feared his Lordship would take it out on him.

  "Well? Speak Messenger!" King Derek ordered as he stood tensed alongside his younger, and very bored looking, son.

  "Sorry Alpha. I bring foul news for the Pack." The omega responded.

  Before allowing Daniel to continue, Derek raised a hand. "It is not Alpha anymore. Those were the old days when we were the Pack, the Fae were Monarchs, and the Vampires were Emperors. Those days have passed. We have made peace and agreed upon unified titles like 'Clan' and 'King'. Please, I am King Derek. Now speak your purpose!"

  Daniel shivered under the command. "I apologize Alph- Uh! King Derek! I am from South Lakedown. We still call you Alpha but I will try my best to change..." The pup quivered.

    Derek massaged his eyebrow as his son held back a smile. "Not about that! About your so called 'foul news'!"

  Daniel winced at the outburst. Back home that meant he was disciplined by those who outranked him. He opened his mouth and recited the message anyway. "A very trustworthy and accurate account told me that King Kansen and Queen Lica have set a date for the marriage on King Zane and Princess Nana! The Queen ordered the wedding to be in a month. They want it done as soon as possible!"

  The tension in Derek's figure was visible. Every vein bulged and each muscle strained. Prince Aaron wasn't much better. His only difference was Derek wore a distinguish mask resistant to any sort of emotion that could scare his people. Aaron however stared at the omega with shiver-inducing awe, his mouth agape in horror. There was a long pause in the room.

  "Who will attend?" King Derek asked in a stone cold voice some time later.

  Daniel jumped at the sudden, forceful words. The hall had been silent for many minutes as the air was sucked out of it with the Messenger's words. Terror blanketed the chamber. Daniel responded as fast as the words allowed him, "I do not know, My Alph- King! I rushed to relay my message."

  Derek nodded as if he were only doing so to be polite without retaining the information. He burned with rage on the inside.

  "I had hoped for peace..." he hissed, "...but it is clear to me now that this dream has been long abandoned. First, a young soldier at the border. Then a magical artifact. Now, a marriage! The Meif'wa have betrayed us by joining the Vampires. We will never forget our feud with those blood sucking beasts. This means war." King Derek demanded with a menacing growl.

  Aaron stood, finally regaining a sense of self. "But father, we can't. We aren't prepared for war! We can't be sure if there is something being planned against us or not! The Meif'wa have never been hostile. Let's talk to them. I strongly doubt that they intend to attack."

  Derek whipped his tensed body around to face his son who cowered in surprise. "King Kansen may not intend to hurt us but King Zane absolutely does! This is war!" The King snarled again.


  Zane stared at the young woman curled on the sofa chair opposite him. The chair was blue, light blue, with mahogany detailing adorning the intricate fabric working and buttoning.

  Zane knew this because, of course, he would hate to scare his fiancée. Even if she was asleep. One thing Zane had come to realize is that he was terrified of scaring her away. He almost wished she didn't look so appetizing like this. Her hair was messily pushed into a loose ponytail and her skirts were riding up her curved legs in a way that made Zane want to rip out his heart and beg her to keep it as a symbol of his devotion. It scared him the emotions the meif'wa evoked just by sleeping!

  In all honesty he averted his attention to the chair because he couldn't find the strength in his body to turn away nor keep his eyes from wondering too far. Yet he feared his spiraling thoughts if he looked for too long. Zane swore he could rot away without so much as a blink of an eye staring at her for as long as it took to starve. Even then, Zane found that even blinking was difficult. What if he missed something? He couldn't afford to lose a moment of time with her.

  The chair was a compromise between his needs and fears. So he studied the chair with near subatomic levels of inspection. It was extremely beautiful after all. But could it even be considered beautiful when she sat upon it? Could a fire be considered bright as it basks in the sun?

  Zane's one and only eye betrayed him. Bastardly little thing. At some point during his intense examination of the mahogany glazing he realized he had no longer been admiring the glassy sheen of the wood but the shine of Kawaii~Chan's lips. Ancestors below! He was losing it!

  The Vampiric man frowned as he recalled those pink lips pouting in their earlier conversation.


  Zane sat down as a smile overtook his mouth. Kawaii~Chan, his new fiancée, sat opposite him on a sofa chair. She watched him with gleaming eyes that brimmed with curiosity.

  Zane almost said something before the woman turned her head away and attempted to conceal a disheartened frown.

  The King paused for a moment, hurt and confused. Did he misread this whole situation!?

  "Is there a problem, Kawaii~Chan?" Zane inquired, ignoring the rampage of unsolicited questions oozing insecurities in his mind. Their screams drowned as she pivoted again and gifted Zane the most stunning smile he had ever seen.

  "No, nothing is wrong, my darling." She lied through her teeth. This made the man stiffen even more. He wanted to address the pet name but set it aside for the larger concern.

  "Please, sweetheart, don't do this to me. It isn't fair." He implored in a deep, nervous voice.

 This must have taken the princess by surprise as she paused a moment, heartstruck, before answering in a stutter, "It's.... Ugh. It's embarrassing but..." Kawaii~Chan eyed the Vampire once more and continued, "... I've always dreamed about a romantic proposal and honey moon. It seems so silly now but... hmm... I always imagined natural and loving relationship progression. and it feels like we'e getting rushed or forced into it??? I mean I'd love to marry you but I haven't experienced the proper stages of a relationship yet!"

  She whimpered in defeat, swallowing thickly. The meif'wa waited for her beloved's response.

  It didn't come. She waited anyway.


  Zane decided that he would give his love her romantic proposal.

Vampire King and the Meif'wa PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now