{Chapter 27}

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    Spring was arriving and that meant one thing for Meif'was young and old. The Festival of Bloom! It was a day beloved by all as they took to the streets, singing, dancing, and appreciating the flowering scenery that accompanied the occasion.

  Nana explained this concept to Zane excitedly as she led him down a flight of stairs and through a hall Zane forced himself to memorize. Her eyes lit up excitedly as she continued, "...but my favorite part? The masks! We meif'wa come from the Bakeneko goddess who gifted us feline features to survive. It is said that evil Nekomata still roam among us and to appease them we celebrate the Festival of Bloom. Maybe, if you show your respects, the Bakeneko will grant you luck for the rest of the year! To hide among the yōkai, we dress up and wear masks during the festival night."

  Nana loved the holiday, I some of her fondest memories were made with her siblings as they hid their royal status behind masks and danced among their people.

  "Some believe the shape shifting power of the bakeneko still lives to this day in the royal family." She said, smirking slyly at her devoted listener.

  "Really?" He commented, "And do you believe that?" The vampire asked with a grin.

  "Sometimes I do feel as if I have the power of a goddess at my finger tips," Nana remarked, sliding a hand down his chest and to his stomach.

  Zane's breath hitched before her responded, "I am inclined to believe you do."

  The princess laughed and dragged him along to the door at the end of the hall. "Here we are, the palace gardens."

  She opened the door and stepped inside, taking a deep breath of the sweet, pollinated air. As she did, Zane followed. Even with his mask on, he fought himself to not sneeze.

  The gardens were very bright and open. Stone paths led in a variety of seemingly random directions curling around the garden. Large fruit trees were scattered around with berry bushes and flowers sitting at their feet and hugging the pathways. Seating areas like benches, tables, and fire pits were sporadically placed around the area.

  "This is the front of the garden," Chirped Nana, "Behind that wall of trees are more exhibits. The flower fields, the water features, the rock garden, and the orchard can all be found if you follow the trails. And in the center is the grand gazebo, the perfect place to find a moment to yourself." She finished wistfully as if she was remembering fond times she spent in her oasis.

  Zane was enamored by the space. Such organization came only from the controlled chaos. He wanted to see it all and so they did.

  Nana toured him through each of the exhibits and elaborated on the important aspects of each. She looked so at home here among the feats of landscaping and nature. It was all enthralling.

  Soon, she led him to the large gazebo, it was encircled by tall unruly berry bushes, a mini moat that could be crossed with a small bridge, and surrounded by an explosion of wildflowers. It was clear that this place wasn't often maintained but the couple preferred the character that was gifted to it.

  "What do you think?" The princess inquired almost anxiously.

  "What do I think? I think that this is infinitely better than the gardens at my palace! It's simply breathtaking. Would you be angry if I stole your flower field design and orchard layout?" Zane beseeched humorously. 

  "Not if you let me design it." She teased, stepping closer to him so that her breath tickled his cheeks.

  "Done," Zane finished before grabbing her waist and pulling her in.

  Zane pressed a deep kiss into her lips tenderly. She smiled against his mouth but kissed back anyway. Zane let out a pleased groan as he picked at her bottom lip. The meif'wa responded with a high pitched whine that made Zane lose his mind. His hand reached up her back and gripped her nape as he pulled their waists flush against each other. 

 The princess slid her hands over his chest and shoulders, feeling the muscle strain under the fabric as she rose on her tippy toes to deepen the kiss. Zane held her closer and pressed more kissed to the corner of her lips hungrily.

  Nana's heart pounded in her chest and blood rushed through her ears. Zane felt it. He breathed in her intoxicating scent and willed his canines to stop growing. Nana squeezed her thighs together and moaned again.

  The King knew he had to stop before his instincts compelled him to do something he'd regret. Reluctantly, he leaned his head back while still holding his fiancée tightly. She desperately tried to follow his lips up to continue the kiss but his hold held firm.

  She huffed in annoyance, glaring up at him. He returned the look warningly. Nana was not pleased to be denied what she wanted so she retaliated. Thinking for a moment, she licked her lips. Zane's visible eye darting down and acknowledging the motion. He swallowed a lump in his throat that Nana observed hungrily. Zane met her eye once more and she gazed through her lashes seductively before whining obscenely. 

  Nana watched victoriously as his pupils dilated noticeably and his eyes went half-lidded. Breathing laboriously, the King growled, "I would advise you that now is not the time."

  The meif'wa frowned once more before resigning. "Okay," she sighed in defeat. Zane released her and took a step back.

  "Another time," He promised.

  She smiled deviously, "I'll hold you to that."

  He shook his head and smiled as they left the gazebo. Zane followed up by trying to clear the tension in the air, "The Festival of Bloom is tomorrow?"

  Nana perked up, "Yep! As the princess, I hereby declare that you are obligated to be my plus one." She smiled up at him and grabbed his hand, "I'm the princess and I said so. Now you have to!"

  Zane laughed exasperatedly, "Yes of course, your highness."


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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