{Chapter 13}

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(IMPORTANT) Soul ties:

Past-ties- Knowing someone from a past life and reconnecting with them in future lives. Can be lovers, friends, or family members.

Destined-ties- Being destined to meet or know the same person in every life you have. Can be lovers, friends, family.

Bonded ties- Being connected with someone in a unnatural way, being able to feel what they feel emotionally, physically, or mentally. You may be permanently bonded throughout a life time or several, however you may also bond with someone later in a life.

Dream-ties- Being able to appear or join a person or persons dream, day dream, or subconscious. Often paired with another kind of soul-tie.

Enemy-bonds- Unconditionally hating someone throughout several life times with or without reason.

Group-Bonds- A group of people that will always find each other in their next lives, if that will only be a few or all of their life times.

  There wasn't anything to special about walking to see the sunset. They talked and laughed, both complaining about Nana leaving. Zane promised to send her letters and she promised to return them.

  Once they finally arrived they started talking about their futures, they talked about what their guardians were planning. Kawaii~Chan suggested that maybe they were going to have an arranged marriage. 

  At first it was the best idea in the world to Zane, then his doubts about himself came crashing in. He didn't deserve her.

  After the sun finally set, the pair began to exchange the constellations and what they knew of the stories behind them. Zane explained that the first vampire, Lamia, her eyes, and the eyes of vampires were very important. Lamia could not only take out her eyes but her ability to shape shift was only possible with her eyes. So a select few of stars in the sky were named after Lamia's eyes.

  Nana was fascinated by this story and told her own about the battle between the Bakeneko, the wise and peaceful goddess, and the mischievous Nekomata. During the battle the long tail of the bakeneko that held her wisdom was severed from her body. Now it could be seen among the stars. Worried, Zane asked if the Bakeneko had won. Nana confirmed so and even admitted that the meif'wa people were still ruled by the peaceful goddess to this day. The Bakeneko's tail will grow back. Without their goddess they would instead be ruled by the harsh and malevolent Nekomata. The Makeki-neko people worshipped and thanked the Bakeneko for her kindness.

 The interesting conversation continued with the more common myths shared throughout their cultures and the differences in them. Such as the Swan of the Sun and the Snake of the moon. The two goddesses were said to be forbidden lovers, only the god of the stars and god of the heavens preventing their love. Some, such as the meif'wa, say they are in love and now together among the stars, others, such as the vampires, say that they fell into a deep sadness because they were unable to love each other, and took their lives to eventually become the Sun and Moon. "Yeah! Weren't they every kind of soul-tie?" Zane asked.

 "You know about soul-ties?" Nana asked nervously sitting up. She had been thinking about what her parents had mentioned and decided to see if he knew anything else. It was awkward but not any worse than the silence they were previously sitting in.

  "I do, I believe I could be more informed with the different types. I only know past-ties, destined-ties, bonded-ties, and dream-ties, but even then some of those can be platonic, romantic, or family. Even then can't people be several? Such as being bonded and dream ties? Also, why do you ask?" Zane inquiries as he meets her sitting position. He scoots closer as he can tell she seems nervous. He tilts his head forward to try and catch her gaze. 

  It doesn't work as she looks away "Yeah, those are the most popular I believe. I just heard my parents mention it during the preparation for my leave and was thinking about it. Never mind, I was just thinking," Nana embarrassingly stuttered.

  "Hey, it's fine. I like to talk about whatever is on my mind. Whenever you need I am here to listen." Zane smiled, it felt nice to be talking to someone on an emotional level like this. He scooted even closer so they were touching he reached his hand over to cup her face.

  "Thank you," She whispered back to show her gratitude. And they looked to the stars once more in silence.

  When the silence became awkward once more and they both had sat together under the stars until their backs and butts were sore they finally agreed to leave.

  They arrived at the castle garden and walked through the open gateway to the stairs.  Laboriously climbed the never ending mountain of stairs and finally arrived at their chambers. They tiredly bid each other a good night and sweet dreams as they closed their doors.


  Breakfast was delicious but bittersweet as Nana and Zane had to accept that she must leave.

  So, with heavy hearts, they looked around the castle once more before Zane escorted her to the carriage. Three of Zane's own guards and a messenger followed her in. They smiled at each other sadly as the carriage started and began pulling away.

  Finally, she dipped into the tree line, yet Zane could not find it in himself to leave quite yet. Still holding his necklace and praying she would come running out and into his arms. However, after a long time and many minutes had passed of staring at the exact spot where her smiling face finally disappeared, he turned. At that exact moment he did his heart dropped. A sickening feeling crawled over him and he ordered more guards to follow them as soon a possible.

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