{Chapter 2}

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  My head aches, I need to get off this thing. Thought Zane Ro'meave as he sickly tried to focus on anything other than the moving carriage.

"Haha! Oh child, you must get used to this, a king must travel often to fulfill his duties," Boomed his grandfather Zachary.

  Zane glared at him. He despised the fact that he was the one being punished with the burden of Vampire Royalty because of his mother's actions... and the fact that he had to ride this carriage.

  Zane huffed in annoyance as his grandfather chuckled. Then the previous king's face saddened, then hardened.

  "Zane, you must know this is a very serious meeting, and it may be the last one I attend with you if all goes well. King Derek would never call such an out of date meeting if it wasn't serious. You  must be prepared for a few disagreements and false accusations. Don't give in, I trust you as the new king to handle yourself." Zane's face transformed from his attention seeking, annoyed look back to his formal, unreadable stature. He knew that this summoning meant something bad. He could tell.


  Zane walked into the pre-meeting room. He scanned the small crowd to identify everyone summoned. He could name Queen Icara of the Ogres alone in the back speaking with her guard. Queen Alia and King Wren of the Pixies closely speaking in hushed voices. King Derek and Queen Rachel of the Werewolves in deep conversation with King Kansen and Queen Lica of the Meif'was with stern faces.

  The second Zane of the Vampire clan stepped in the room half of its people narrowed their eyes in suspicion. With King Derek and Rachel starring at him in fury.

  Zane raised an eyebrow at the werewolf King and Queen's nasty glare. He simply brushed it off as past hostility and fear of the unknown King. He walked closer to a seat on the opposite side of the room from the Wolves and Meif'was, he did his best to ignoring the over bearing smell around their sitting space. I wasn't bad, in fact it was quite intoxicating.

  As he walked towards Queen Icara he nodded his head with a raised and eyebrow asking for permission to speak with her. She nodded her head and gestured with her free, not holding a trident, hand. Sitting down and glancing at Past-King Zachary, Zane looked one more time at the strangely hostile wolves.

  "Strange, isn't it?" The Queen asked him.

  "I must agree, while there is, and always will be caution between werewolves and vampires, but I am astonished by this sudden distrust," Zane said, not daring to look again at the glaring wolves and cats.

(General idea about borders, prologue happened in the wolf/human/Vampire intersection)

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(General idea about borders, prologue happened in the wolf/human/Vampire intersection)

 "Maybe It has to do with the confusion at the border. Heard one of your soldiers and one of theirs got into an argument," Added the ogre leader.

Vampire King and the Meif'wa PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now