{Chapter 22}

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  The wind of the thunderstorm whipped the sturdy castle walls and rain pelted the roof. 

  Kawaii~Chan was horribly diseased with excitement. She had been ogling Zane during the meeting. He was so cute! Several time had he made attempts to glance over at her and find himself making eye contact! And EVERYTIME HE BLUSHED AND LOOKED AWAY!! he simple was too much. Nana decided.

  She felt physically ill from all the butterflies that ripped at her stomach. She had tried makeup look after makeup look after makeup look, tried on every dress she could find, and practiced what she would say when introducing him to the castle.

  Kawaii~Chan, although not satisfied, found her outfit, makeup, jewelry, and all. She had consulted her closest siblings. Mikai and Michi. Even the oldest sister, Donna had come to talk.

  When Kawaii~Chan showed off her dress:

[Pink with golden accents - OBV NOT MINE]

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[Pink with golden accents - OBV NOT MINE]

  "Beautiful! I think it puuurfectly accentuates your eyes!" Mikai cheered.

  "Do you think he likes pink?" Retorted Michi.

  "The gold accents are so gorgeous!"

  "The gold and pink are a little much. Don't you think it looks cheap?"

  "What? She looks priceless!"

  "Her hair and pink dress? I'm all for bright colors but it's a lot??"

  "Well at least her golden eye shadow is pretty, and the red lip!"

  What? It's so ugly!"

  Michi couldn't agree that anything looked good accept for the hairstyle she suggested.

  Nana was a little disheartened by her sisters words. But Michi made herself clear, "I just want to see you happy!"

  Now Nana found herself pondering what she'll actually talk about with Zane. He'll ask about her garden she so proudly claimed was beautiful. And it was, but in the conventionally Meif'wa garden way. Not Zane's romantically gothic castle. He'd probably still be amazed that beautiful jerk. Kawaii~Chan admired the vampires for the gothic style they pulled of so well, it was kinda hot.

With her head sufficiently stuffed with thoughts, and heart longingly hungry, she turned as the door opened. She expected Michi or Mikai. But it was her oldest sister, Donna.

  "Hello, Nana. How do you find yourself this... less then ideal... evening?"   Donna prompted as she looked at the storm raging beyond the window.

  Thinking about what she felt gave her a headache. The need to categorize the most basic yet complicated things, such as emotion, was something Nana detested. "I'm not sure how to describe it. Excited? Nervous? Scared?..." 

  "Horny?" Suggested Donna.

  Kawaii~Chan was about to force a laugh before fully comprehending Donna's words. Donna? The diplomat who is such a priss and refuses to allow even the most vanilla of sexual jokes... just said that? The most mature of the Royal meif'wa children?

  "Uhm," Nana hesitated, but didn't deny, "Maybe," Her ears flattened as several fantasies found their way into the back of her mind.

  "I understand, I was the same way when I was being courted by Lenn," Donna thought fondly about her late husband.

  "Donna..." Nana hated being the reason somebody remembered pain.

  "No no, this is about you. So," Donna sat on the window nook across from Kawaii~Chan. "Tell me about him."


  "Is this love or excitement? Tell me. What do you know about King Zane? What do you like about him? I knew I loved Lenn when we first met eyes. So tell me."

  Nana sighed, she didn't feel like talking.

  "So you don't love him?" Donna asked.

  "NO! Wait! He's super cute, and sweet, and gentle!" Kawaii~Chan blurted. Obviously Donna misread her.

  Donna seemed taken aback, she recovered and nodded for Nana to continue. "He has very cute cheeks and bulky arms that I like poking... He likes learning about mythology and linguistics. He is a stargazer who spends time in the garden and commissions local bakers to make fine goods for himself and his people. He- he's really nice." 

  Nana felt like a weight was lifted off her shoulders, she was tired of just talking about how handsome he was with Michi and Mikai. He was more than a pretty guy, and he was more than a cruel Vampire. She wanted to talk, talk about him, talk to him.

  But most of all it felt validating to remind herself of all the things she loved about him. Donna wasn't the only one worrying if she had been being too naïve.

  "Hmm, ha- Hahahh... HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA," Donna's subtle giggle shifted into roaring laughter. Nana isn't normally this forward, she was impressed. Not to mention how offended she was. Donna wiped away a tear, this was serious. She felt bitter slightly about the situation as she tried hard not to think about Lenn.

  Donna would respect him as long as he kept respecting her sister. The elder sister nodded and wished her a good night. 

  "You know the festival of bloom is coming.  You should invite him. But that's none of my business," and she shut the door.

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