{Chapter 7}

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  That, by far, was the best day of Zane's life, Kawaii~Chan really was astounding. Not one minute did Zane think about his Kingly duties while with her. No one had been able to completely capture his interest before while she managed it flawlessly. He enjoyed every second he had to spend with her.

  After the ball, they had talked a little more about each other's culture while walking to their sleeping chambers.

  Nana talked about the holiday of the bakeneko, the godly legend that was the basis for meif'wa culture. She also described the holiday and the affinity for playing harps and woodwinds during the fall season.

  Zane talked about the moon and the lunar derived creatures that were his ancestors. Daimons, daemos, demons, etc. The moon was an essential asset to the vampires traditions and creation.

  Now, all Zane could do was recall the meif'wa's shining eyes and enchanting grace she carried as they danced.

  He snuggled deeper into his bed and imagined himself with the meif'wa resting next to him as he slipping further from consciousness.


  Nana however was far from entering her dreaming state. She was in a strange, dark, and cold place without more than a night gown and blankets to warm her.

  So from what she could see, there were two options:

   Stay here and get absolutely no sleep, this may worry and/or make the King of this palace feel bad.. or She can sneak into Zane's room and snuggle with him...


  Let's just say when Zane woke from a nightmare he was not expecting an adorable meif'wa resting in his arms. However there were ultimately no arguments.

  He rested his head once more and stared at her face for a few minutes. Zane reluctantly gave into his urges and slowly, as not to wake her, brought a hand to her face. He gently combed his cold fingers through her soft hair. When he came to a knot he would carefully pick through it.

  Half an hour later her hair was free of all knots and tangles. When he was finished with her rosey pink hair he turned to her ears. He knew they were sensitive to outside touch. He had done as much research as physically possible within the day he had to prepare for her.

  He learned that they are very sensitive near the ears and tail region, and as evil as it may seem, Zane was desperate to grab and play with her tail after he had learned this.

  Yet, despite his yearning he contained himself until he got her consent. Restricted only to looking.

  Then the king's thoughts wondered to his own culture's traditions, blood. The white of his eyes darkened to black as his thoughts betrayed him. Her blood... what would it taste like? What would make it so intoxicating? What made her blood different? What if he just drank some right now?


He closed his eyes and took control of his thoughts and emotions once more. Consent, the bite would be when she was ready and was to be during a very love filled, passionate moment.

  He kissed her head and secured his arms into a comfortable position before allowing himself to be lulled into sleep by the purrs of his princess.

Vampire King and the Meif'wa PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now