{Chapter 4}

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 |🖤 The Visit Part 1 💖|

 Nana was a little mortified when she was informed the next morning that there was a carriage awaiting her. 

  She was groggy and annoyed when she was awoken, the sun wasn't even up! Her maid, Leina, greeted her and called for more maids to rush in. They did their best to make Kawaii~Chan gorgeous, as they were ordered to do by her parents.

  Nana was overwhelmed as she was tended to and beautified. Giggling slightly and blushing  as they admired their splendid work. "She will look irresistible for Lord Zane!" Whispered a minty green haired maid.

 "She will look irresistible for Lord Zane!" Whispered a minty green haired maid

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⚠️This masterpiece is not mine⚠️ But this is kinda what her dress is like

  Nana's blushing and giggling seized, she suddenly remembered why she was getting special treatment. She was going to be used as a bargaining tool for the vampires. 

  The Princess shook. Was she really going to have a demon-descent vampire as a husband? As a lover? 

  Once she shook her self back into the present she watched the head overseer of her beautification, Leina, walk towards her. "Your majesty, I am aware that I don't know anything about this or how you may be feeling, but hear me out." Leina breathed as Nana pursed her lips. "He is very rich and influential, with a strong husband like that you can be happy! A powerful husband and title, just try to stay positive," Leina gave her a smile as a new maid led her escorting guards to her room to take her away.

  "Y-yeah, thank you Miss Leina," Leina smiled and nodded to the guards.

  Walking out of the castle with one guard to her left and right, as well as one last one tailing behind Kawaii-Chan. The Princess smiled, attempting to assure herself and stepped into the carriage. While the coachman checked everything and got ready to start, Kawaii-Chan looked to her 13 family members. Sisters and brothers smiling, some crying, and some (Mother, Father, Kai) looking solemnly deep in thought.

  Kawaii-Chan forced a cute giggle and waved goodbye to her family as the carriage took off.


  After staring into the forest for awhile she turned to the coachman and asked him, "Excuse me sir? I would love to know the details of the trip! Like, when are we getting there?" 

  The old man squinted an eye at her and smiled at her enthusiasm. "Well yer majesty, it will take us half to a full dey fer us to reach vampire territory. Then you and I is gunna say there for a few deys," As he answer looked to the trail once more. "Just be patient Miss," he finished.


  Zane on the other hand was anything but patient. After being informed he was anxious about meeting her. 

  He was certain she belonged to him however he was well aware the Princess was not pleased. He paced his room as Sasha, his guard/advisor was to give him advice and calm him.

  "I can't believe that old hag! His brain must have rotted! WHY!?!" With the last statment Zane stopped his furious pacing to stomp and clench his fists. 

  Sasha was quite surprised. She nor many others had seen Zane so stressed. I guess being paranoid out of your mind can do that to you, Sasha excused.

  "Your highness," Sasha started for the 3,482th time. "If she is the one, as you so expertly describe, she will love you and comfort you," Zane's eyes darted from burning holes through the floor to burning holes through the white haired girl's head. 

  "But... she won't...." "Want you?" Sasha completed. "If she doesn't then shame on her for not accepting and hold up her duty as a royal," 

  "Ugh," He wasn't very pleased with the way she had framed that, no one should be forced to do anything. "You'll be fine, Master Zane," Sasha's face hardened, "We trust your judgement, we trust you to make the decision of if she is the one or not," With that Sasha exited the room.

  Zane exhaled and scratched his head in thought. But what if I don't trust myself???


  At roughly 3:00 Nana stepped out of the provided carriage and winced as she looked at the looming castle. The castle seemed so melancholy that the sun didn't even visibly reflect off the structure. Nana breathed and continued walking with her beautiful flower dress flowing behind her.

  Looking through his window Zane only saw a speck on the road however he was already drooling. Turning to the vast space behind him, he leaned on the rail facing the splitting stairs.

  Nana walked through the gateway like doors with two vampires by her side. Immediately, they split off to the doorways on her left and right. Gasping, Nana stared at the large room she was occupying. In front of her was splitting stair cases spiraling into pillar lined hallways on the next floor. Almost every floor was visible as the ceiling towered many, many meters above her head. The giant chandelier was just the cherry on top.

  Zane only stared with half lidded eyes at the back of her head. A dorky, embarrassing smile dressed his lips.

  Quietly clearing his throat he fixed his posture and straightened his suit.

  Quietly clearing his throat he fixed his posture and straightened his suit

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Like this but a lot more black ⚠️NOT MINE⚠️

  Nana raised an eyebrow as she heard footsteps start on the floor above her. She heard a distinct heart beat following a man as he turned the corner of the corridor above her and to her left. 

  Her eyes followed him while he gracefully descended down the stairs, however the whole time Zane was silently praying he didn't slip. She recognized him as King Zane. In her panic she failed to notice his increasing heart beat.

  The King ended his strut a few meters in front of the stunned Princess.

  "Ah? Madam?"  Zane questioned. He was a little confused at how mesmerized his visitor was. Her ears were perfectly perked up and her tail was swaying happily behind her. He also noted how her blood pumped faster. 

  "Ah? Oh! I'm so sorry, tehe," giggled Nana, she made sure that her facade was still in tact while meeting with the King. "Well then madam, would you like to conversate more over some tea?" Zane asked nervously. Nana smiled and shook slightly as he said "Madam," it sent shivers down her spine, he had a very deep voice.

 "Oh, yes of course! That would be lovely King Zane," 

  "Alright then, please follow me,"

Vampire King and the Meif'wa PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now