{Chapter 10}

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  Surprised is not the word Zane would use to describe his reaction to the recent invasion and attack in his territory, he would consider himself utterly unamused and disappointed. He was ashamed to admit that he almost expected something like this after the murder of the young werewolf warrior and he did nothing about it.

  Zane had grumbled his way into his chancery or office. Zenix was pacing around quite baffled while Gene rested with his arms crossed leaning against a wall. Sasha anxiously waited in her seat across from Zane's chair, which loomed menacing over the room from behind his desk, as his advisors were supposed to.

  He was expecting some sort of over reaction from Zenix's part but the note did sound serious. The only reason that he hastily made his way across the castle and up the long stairs was because Sasha had signed her name. Although Zenix was very good at his job, much to everyone's dismay, Zane only trusted that this was serious because of Sasha also calling him here.

  The second he sat down Zenix had slammed his hands down onto his desk so disrespectfully yelling, "We have been attacked! Just off the outskirts of Winterclaw, a squadron of knights were attacked and mortally wounded! We got only a little bit of information from one brave soul before they succumbed to their wounds! This has gotten out of hand! You need to start paying more attention to your duties and not some meif'wa!" Zane glared at him for the comment he made towards Kawaii~Chan but then considered what he had said. 

  Zane tilted his head down and thought about the problem for a moment. There really was nothing they could do about the previous attack on the werewolf knight aside from add more security and patrols. But now possibly the same threat proves their hostility and willingness to attack. 

  Winterclaw is one of the towns that resides near the ogre and human border and is separated from most other colonies by a large lake, they focus their business on fishing and farming and are quite important to the strong economy that the Vampires rule. That particular town is not as large as some of the other communities that surround it. It would be easy to attack the residents of the village. Due to this fact Zenix had ordered a squadron to patrol in case of a sudden attack.

  "This is simply unacceptable for civilians to be put in this level of danger." Admitted Zane. All of his advisors nodded, Zenix more aggressively then the others. "I think it best for residents to be moved out and take refuge in neighboring towns while we make the area more heavily fortified, we could possibly use it as a temporary military base while we investigate further." Zane recommended as he turned his head to Zenix looking for approval.

  Zenix thought for a second and agreed, "I think that would be best for the people of Winterclaw."

  Gene nodded to show his approval but Sasha was still thinking. "It will be tough but our most friendly colonies are those around Winterclaw. It won't be easy advising a whole town to up and leave." Sasha argued.

  Zane took another minute to think. "I had that thought too. However admitting there was an attack and causing panic is not ideal, especially if they run to other towns to spread the word. Would it be possible to just set up camp in and around Winterclaw instead of moving everyone?" Zane asked.

  "I certainly do think everyone would be more pleased with that decision. Although, we must notify the town before defenses start moving in." Finished Sasha.

  "I too agree with that. Perhaps as to not cause much alarm we can call it some sort of training exercise in case of emergency." Gene added, finally pitching in the the conversation.

  "I guess now that practically everyone in the area knows about the... disagreement... that went on at the border we can try to sympathize with the citizens." Zenix made sure his loud voice was not forgotten.

  "Then I shall approve of this, you are all excused. I must write the message that will be sent to Queen Icara." King Zane declared.


  Nana was thrilled to finally get a moment to herself after she convinced herself that she could have enough fun on her own with out that devilishly handsome vampire king.

  Yet after a few hours went by she felt lonely in her lavishing room. She finally found the courage to try to explore the castle alone. In a simple, large, baggy sweater and a long, cotton skirt. Although her hand maids had tried to only pack beautiful puffy dresses, a meif'wa with short curly red hair admitted to going to the kingdom and it being freezing. This frightened some of the maids into giving her some longer dresses and comfortable sweaters.

  She tried rolling up the sleeves that fell far past her hands but she had to defeatedly let them fall back down after goosebumps started showing up on her skin.

  She strolled around for a bit and found herself nearing the kitchen. She smiled as a guard nodded to her and opened the doors to the inside. She shook her head in disappointment that she was surprised that even the kitchen, which most royals will never even see, was covered in stunning decoration. It was clean and tidy on every corner and floor.

  There were several men and women calmly cooking and chatting. She smiled to herself again until she noticed a stunning woman walking towards her. The lady stopped and smiled before introducing herself, "Good afternoon my lady, my name is Freidda Arbiet and I am the head chef. Is there something I can help you with?" Asked the woman. Meanwhile Nana was still trying to comprehend why everyone in this castle is so gorgeous.

  After getting over the initial shock Kawaii~Chan held out her hand and also introduced herself, "It's wonderful to meet you! My name is Kawaii~Chan Ashida. Sorry to bother I just couldn't help myself, it smells to wonderful in here!" She complemented.

  "Oh, no need to introduce yourself, we all know who you are, cutie." Freidda complemented back with a wink.

   Nana giggled and apologized, "Well I apologize for taking up your time but I wanted to ask what was for dinner?"

  "Ah yes! One of my favorite dishes to make, fresh crab cakes with popovers and some cebolada to top it off." Smiled the chef.

  Kawaii~Chan's nose wrinkled when she mentioned cebolada, "Doesn't the cebolada have... onions?" She asked nervously.

  Freidda raised an eyebrow then laughed at her nervous expression. "Oh my, if you don't like it then I can make you something else, hun." 

  "Oh no, I certainly could not eat all that food! I wouldn't want you to make something special for me and then me not eat it!" Kawaii~Chan assured her, "You spoil me to much already!" She giggled.

  "Aww, shame." The chef whined, "Well I gotta help these idiots with the crab cakes, if you want to make a special order then I'd be happy to make it myself. Goodbye now darling," Freidda smiled and waved as she walked away.

  "Buh bye!" Called Kawaii~Chan attempting to be polite.

  As Nana walked out she made sure to ask the guards name and bid him a goodbye too. 

  And then the dreaded search for her room again. The second she left the dining hall she found herself completely lost. After looking around she realized she was on the third floor. She was oblivious to how she found herself up there.

  "Kawaii~Chan? What are you doing here?" A voice followed the sound of a door opening and closing behind her.

  She twirled around to see no one other than Zane. "Oh uhm... I kinda... got lost?" She admitted.

  He seemed amused by her answer, "Well good thing I found, huh?" He smiled. She turned to look around at the beautiful scenery while resting her elbows on the railing. 

  Walking  next to her he asked, "Do you like it here?" She was surprised by this question.

  "How could I not? It's stunning!" She answered. He scoffed as if his castle was nothing to be proud of. She huffed at his reaction, I wish my castle was this huge and stunning. But instead she tried to challenge him, "Well, I guess I haven't seen a garden. Not to mention you haven't really shown me all the stuff we can do here. Or are most of these rooms empty?" She smirked deviously.

  Taken aback, he made sure that she would eat her words.

  "Well then, why don't we have a quick look before dinner? Princess..."

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