{Chapter 3}

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   Nana was a little surprised when she came back home that day. Her mother and father summoned her to the throne room for a "discussion." With a wary eyebrow raise the Princess agreed for there was nothing she could do.

  Arriving at the open gateway to the throne room Nana exhaled and made sure she had her best smile on.

  Strutting into the room with her signature smile and her simple pink dress. She ended her strut about 2 meters from the throne. Quickly she curtsied to honor her superiors. As she bowed her head, a million thoughts of what she might have done rushed through her mind. She hoped her bow would reduce her punishment.

  "Nana," The Queen started. Meif'wa Princess cringed at her dead name. She hated that name, how bland, how boring, she hated it!  "We need to discuss the meeting of the leaders..." Nana was confused, what did she do? She never even talked! What went wrong?

  The Princess standing in-front of the queen and king was blinking rapidly to keep herself from tearing up. She hated to be yelled at, it made her feel like she was a burden to the world. Shaking, she looked to her orange-haired brother who she hadn't acknowledged until then. His state was cold, yet confusion danced around his eyes as he stared into nothing on the floor.

  "Mother? I'm sorry, I-... I don't understand," Admitted the tearful Meif'wa.

  "Well, it has come to my attention that King Zane of the Vampires has taken an interest in you, might you know why?" Nana was speechless, her? She might understand another one of her sisters, or even brothers, but her? This made no sense.

  "Hm, guess not. I must admit, I'm surprised, didn't think a man of his intellect would have such low standards." Nana was unwillingly standing there, uncomfortably, while tears started flowing down her face. This must be a mistake.

  "However according to Past King Zachary, there is more to it, he said you looked familiar to him. Though King Zane did not mention it, Sir Zachary believes this might be the case of a soul tie!" Nana's mother did not have to remind her what a Soul tie is. She had been fascinated by the idea her whole life. Stories, poems, day dreaming, chatting with her sisters and maids.

  "No, no, no! I can't! Not with...not with...." Responded the very mortified tone.

  "Yes, yes darling. But here is the thing, we got this information from past King Zachary himself during the end of the meeting, which was then confirmed by Kai," Insisted the King who now decided to butt in.

  While the attempt was appreciated, the shaking princess wasn't comforted by this information in the slightest, only making her sobbing harder to contain.

  "Oh really Nana! Stop your weeping! Think of this as an opportunity, I'm sure you will change you mind after meeting him tomorrow, you will go," What?! Nana found out that she was now catching the eye of the Vampire King or whatever, but now she was going to see him? No, this was to much.

  "Think of how this could benefit the kingdom, the Vampire Clan is very powerful and influential, only challenged by the werewolves. You can marry him and bring honor to our famil-"

  "No! You can't just tell me this and force me to meet him! You can't! You can't, y-you..." The loudly disobedient Princess interrupted. "You... wouldn't," Her voice drifted off as she thought.

  Then it finally occurred to her that there was nothing she could do, she was going either way. Obviously her parents weren't pranking her and they wouldn't make her go uninvited. Meaning this was true. But- but... how could they force her into a relationship!? Then again, if this is all true then that means King Zane does have some form of soul tie with her, a... vampire.

  After Nana's outburst she realized her mistake and with widened eyes looked back up to her parent's faces, twisted and insulted. Finally she let it out with a full sob and sprinted out into the hall.


  At the Vampire capital or Lord's castle, things weren't much better. In the middle of the silent dinner between the King and retired Lord, there was a disagreement.

  As Zane struggled to hide his face with his mask as he ate (as he did for every meal) Zachary was eager to inform Zane about his invitation for Princess Kawaii-Chan.

  Zane lifted his spoon to his mouth as his grandfather started, "So, I invited that Meif'wa Princess you were staring at to the castle-" 

  Zane dropped his spoon and slammed his hands on the table to yell, "I KNEW IT! ....Wait..." Zane quieted for a moment and looked at his bowl in confusion until it registered that his grandfather just invited a potential Queen over for dinner. His head jerked back up from his soup and he glared with a confused expression flat on his face.

  "Look child, I saw you watching her and when you admitted to it I thought it would be good to invite her," Zachary said with shrugged shoulders.

  Gene, Zane's personal guard, snickered. Zane whipped his head to him and glared, silencing his guard.

  -Oh no-

Vampire King and the Meif'wa PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now