{Chapter 17}

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  Another damn dream! 

  Zane was getting really tired of his subconscious at this point. He has not had one night since Nana left where he didn't dream about her. It was getting on his nerves.

  Not only that but Nana had promised to write letters. And despite it being an entire week, Zane had received no such thing.

  Was he worried? Absolutely. Maybe she actually didn't like him and was just messing with him for fun. But at the same time, Zane had no idea how all this "romancey and lovey dovey stuff" worked. He might just be being paranoid.

  Whichever reason, Zane had buried himself in work to distract himself. It was how he dealt with stress.

  Now he had a day off. It was pretty much forced onto him by his helicopter of a grandfather, Zachary.

  Zane had woken up out of a wonderful dream of him and Kawaii~Chan making out in his office. He really liked that particular dream. He always imagined her with her wonderfully soft lips in a pout with her tiny nose scrunched up looking annoyed. It was so cute. And, even better, dream him actually had the confidence to kiss her and begin a make out session on his desk. He really wished he could live in his dreams sometimes.

  He shook his head and focused on the present once more. What should he do now? Should he go for a walk? Should he write her a letter? Or maybe he could just work against Zachary's wishes. After all, Zachary can't technically order him around anymore.

  His stomach growled and suggested some breakfast first. He huffed and began his decent down his many, many stairs.

  Once Zane arrived he sat down at the head of the table. A plate was handed to him and he mumbled a small "thanks".

  Halfway through his meal, while he was still battling his mask, a message came in from the Meif'wa Queen. A puzzled and suspicious look crossed his face when the scroll was handed to him. However, that expression changed when he realized that the queen might want to reschedule another visit.

  He hastily opened it and began reading...

     "Dear King Zane Ro'meave,

Thank you for allowing my daughter to visit your residence. She indeed seemed to enjoy it. However, there is a small issue I would like to address.

During Nana's travels, as she was on her way home, she was ambushed and attacked. Please have no fear as she is safe now. But I cannot help but to wonder how this could have come about. As a mother, I deeply care for the safety of my children and I am confident that this wasn't any sort of your doing?

Please accept this invitation to visit the Spring Castle and we can discuss whatever might have happened. I would hate to have to discuss this in front of all the leaders during the meeting next week.

~Queen Lica and King Kansen Ashida"

  Zane's giddy excitement fell as he read through the letter. When Zane came upon the attack on Kawaii~Chan he gasped slightly in horror. Attacked? By who? Why? Confusion and rage bubbled up in him as he continued reading. 

  When he finished he set the scroll down. Were... they... blackmailing him? Into a meeting? At their own castle? He didn't know whether to be happy again about potentially seeing Nana or to be concerned about this blatant blackmail. He settled on a bit of both.

  He picked up the scroll and and searched the page once more. The neat and punctual handwriting as well as the "mother" bit was a strong indication that Queen Lica had been the one to actually write the letter. What did she really want from this meeting? And blackmail? Really? Is that why they can't keep a steady truce with the werewolves?

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