{Chapter 6}

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  As Zane toured Nana around the castle Nana could hardly breath, this was because of several reasons.

  First, Nana had a potential husband right next to her. Who, if her parents wanted, might be the man her parents marry her off too. He also did happened to be extremely handsome and mysterious. Watching him explain each tapestry was surprisingly attractive.

  Second, the castle was absolutely stunning. The architecture and detail was phenomenal, she marveled at every display on each wall.

  And third, was because this place had way to many stairs.

  At first, Zane felt like a history nerd, stupidly explaining the murals on the walls and how the vampires could manage such a ambitious building. However, the little meif'wa still followed along asking questions and studying every portrait closely. He adored her already.

  As they started getting to some of the higher floors Nana's ears perked up as he began asking her about sleeping quarters.

  "Would you like to see your room?" He asked.

  "I would, all these stairs have me wanting a nice warm bed," The Princess giggled.

  "I don't blame you, just over there would be your quarters," Zane gestured to a big dark wood door laced with glistening silver.

  Yet as they came upon it Nana couldn't help but notice the bigger door next to it with darker wood embedded with jewels and dressed with gold accents. "What about that one?"

  Zane blushed slightly, "Well, uhm... Th-That would be my room," Now it was the curious meif'wa's turn to blush. "I assumed you would like your own place to sleep,"

  Nana sheepishly nodded as Zane opened the door to her room.

  As expected it was as dark as the rest of the castle. But once a butler who was ordered to be working around the rooms lit it, Nana was astounded. The room most definitely looked for royalty. She grinned as she spun around taking in the room. The walls were a dark blue shining with silver edges and dark marble tiles outlining the floor. The bed was a beautiful velvety purple with dark wood towering multiple feet above the ground before connecting in an arch. 

  Nana took a seat on the bed and involuntarily fell back. It was so comfy she couldn't help herself.

  But Zane was fighting the urge to help himself too. If she thought it was bad then try living here.

  Zane took a seat next to the meif'wa Princess to try and get some attention as well.

  "So do you like it?" He asked.

  Turning, she then answered, "Mhm," she yawned and wrapped her arms around his bicep pulling slightly. "Cuddles," she easily explained.

  And that's how, as the sun was beginning to set, two royals were lazily holding each other in the vampire king's guest bed. One was freaking out, contemplating each way this could go wrong and how not to mess this up while as the other was already half asleep. The king was slightly worried if one of his chefs had put something in the pastries


  "Oh~ Well, for someone who was yelling at me couple of hours ago, I take it you are thankful I called her over? Hmm?" Zane's grandfather stepped through the opened door grinning awhile later.

  "Wha-? I- n-no!" Zane was going to try and explain himself before Kawaii~Chan woke up with a yawn. Zane just had to stop and stare dumbfounded at her while his grandfather announced dinner and walked off.

  It is getting on my nerves how annoying pretty she is

  "Huh?" It had just sunk in what she and Zane just did as she sat up.

  Attempting to change the subject Zane stuttered out, "Uhm, I-I, uh.... Ahem. Dinner has been prepared. Would you like to attend it with me?"

  "OooOOOoooh! What's for dinner?" Nana immediately perked up in excitement.

  "Sea food I believe," answered Zane, after finding out his grandfather invited the meif'wa Zane did everything he could to learn about them in a one day period. He read they liked sea food.

  "I love sea food!" His guesses proved correct as she hopped off the bed and started towards the door.


  Dinner wasn't as awkward as normal while the new Princess chatted up all the chefs and guards. She seemed to make everyone love her practically instantaneously by asking them many questions about their life and hobbies.

  Retired King Zachary was secretly giggling to himself after Zane glared at each person Kawaii~Chan previously interrogated. He was most definitely an attention hog when it came to those he was close to. The retired king thought.

  "So," Called Zane's grandfather, "I may have arranged a little ball welcoming party since we don't get visitors very often," Zane's eyes widened as Nana's went starry-eyed, she thought of how romantic that was. She had dreamed of scenarios much like this quite often.

  Zane growled as he, per usual, started scowling at Zachary, Zane may like attention he wasn't ready for himself to be the lead role of his guest's fantasies.

  "Once dinner is finished you may head over to the ballroom for your show, if you wish~," Eyes turned to Zane, his grandfather had a evil smirk while Kawaii~Chan's eyes pouted in a pleading matter. He most definitely could not say no.

  As dinner came to an end Zane took Nana's hand and lead her across the way, past the twisting stairs, and into the ballroom.

  The music started with one of Zane's favorite songs to dance to. It was a traditional vampire song.

  Zane was about to grab her hips but quickly stopped himself and asked her, "I would never dream of making you uncomfortable so I must ask, may... I?" Zane drifted off in the end awkwardly.

  The Princess stared for a second or two before she giggled an, "of course!"


  Nana was a lovely dancer, through out the night Zane found himself drooling over her grace. He almost fell over when she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  It took awhile for the meif'wa to figure out why Zane seemed so nervous and confused until she realized that she was most likely driving him insane. He still hadn't bit her and probably isn't used to people with regular blood being this close.

  She was embarrassed to admit it had taken her this long to realized that he has been itching to bite her this entire time and now that he finally got close to her her she was swaying her hips and smiling seductively. This was probably making it even worse.

  But there was another thing she noticed, she hadn't once caught him looking at her body or neck. He was always staring into her eyes when he looked at her, sometimes her lips, or even her hair seemed more interesting to him then her body. It made her comfortable with him.

  Zane on the other hand was only freaking out because he has never been physically this close to someone.

And through this entire day there was one thing she started to notice more and more, it was that she really liked him.

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