Vaccine Special: Short (Riko x GOM+ Kagami) [Fin]

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Hey there! I do have one final announcement at the end of this chapter. Thank you for all the reads!

Kuroko and Riko:

They patiently waited in line for their turn. Riko, of course, already had her vaccination. How could she coach a team if no one has been vaccinated yet? Including her star player, who also happens to be her boyfriend? The nurse at the booth eventually call them over where Kuroko took a seat and gently rolled his sleeve up, exposing his smooth pale skin. The nurse pulled out the vaccine, gave him his prick, then put a smiley face bandaid on it.

"See? Not so bad," Riko said.

"I never said it bothered me, Riko-san."

Riko promised Kuroko his beloved vanilla shake afterwards though, so off they went to get one.

Kagami and Riko:

Riko was basically babysitting a stubborn child. She was tugging and pulling Kagami through the doors of the clinic.

"You-idiot-just-get-in!" She yelled at him.

"I-don't-want-to! I don't need it I'm fine!"

"I said we're GOING!"

Riko karate chopped his side, bringing Kagami down to his knees. With his ear in her hand, she dragged him to the booth where a frightened nurse was patiently waiting.

"Covid vaccine please, hehe," Riko chuckled, embarrased.

She shoved Kagami into his seat, placed his right arm on the booth table, and the nurse prepared the vaccine and pricked him. Kagami, who was in too much pain from the karate chop, didn't even feel it.

"You didn't even feel it, didn't you?" Riko giggled.

"Ugh, just leave me me..."

Kise and Riko:

Kise was up and ready for his vaccine. Shots? Not scared of those! Riko was genuinely surprised that Kise was so eager to get vaccinated. Sure, he was annoyed (T^T crying face) that Riko got it without him, but he was nevertheless happy she accompanied him to his vaccination. They arrived at the booth where the nurse prepared the vaccine while Kise rolled up his sleeve. Once the nurse unveiled the long, sharp needle, a switch flipped in Kise.

"Actually eh- hold on , let me think about this-"


"Um I thought the needle would be smaller??"

"Kise just get the vaccine-"

Kise was starting to stand up but Riko shoved him back to his seat.

"Riko-chan wait, i don't really want it how-

"I thought you were okay with this!"

"Riko-chan it's cause um-um-I'm scared of needles okay! I was trying to be manly in front of you but I don't like needles!!"

Riko face palmed. She motioned the nurse to just go for it while she put Kise in a chokehold and kept him still.
Once the nurse got him, Kise became a trembling mess..

"Oh come on you big baby, let's go get some ice cream yeah?"

Kise, his face red and teary eyed, agreed, and grabbed her hand and continued to whine like a baby.

Aomine x Riko

Aomine, as well, didn't want the vaccine. Riko had to give him a karate kick in the thigh to bring him down to his knees.

"Ouch! What the heck!"

"Do you wanna play basketball?!"

"I said ouch why'd you hit-"

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