First Date (Riko x Midorima)

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Dedicated to banana_senpai for hard work she did that eventually crumbled away, don't give up!

The restaurant was surprisingly quiet. There weren't many people present, wink only about every few tables being occupied. Riko waited at a table the most farthest from the entrance. It was dimly lit, with a candle in the center. She sat there, palm holding her cheek, waiting for her date to arrive.

She didn't want to go overboard on this date. Knowing who she was going with, she tried her best to try to look classy. She didn't own any dresses, so this resulted in her visiting of four different stores before she finally found a cheap, but pretty looking black dress. She owned a pair of black flats, so she didn't have yo worry about shoes. And hair? Well, she didn't much to it, only because she really couldn't do much to it. She just put on her usual two pins.

It was rather odd for Midorima to ask her like this suddenly. She always looked forward to their first date, but she didn't know it would be so soon. She remembered how he just showed up during practice one day and bluntly asked her, ignoring all the flabbergasted expressions of the basketball team.

Riko began to close her eyes when suddenly she heard his voice.


She was startled and looked up. Her eyes widened to take in the scene. It felt rather odd to see Midorima not wearing his school uniform or his Shutoku jersey. He was wearing a dim gray dress shirt with a striped navy blue and white necktie. His hair was even combed.

"Midorima-kun." Riko greeted him. "You look really . . .nice." She hesitantly said.

"You look lovely yourself nanodayo." He sat down adjusting his glasses.

It wasn't long before a waiter came by and they ordered drinks. While Riko sat there somewhat uncomfortable because of the silence, Midorima sat there with his arms crossed, looking down. After a few long minutes, he finally spoke.

"How did your father react when you left the house looking the way you are?" He asked without looking up.

"He asked where I was going and I told him I was heading out with a friend. He asked who and I just told him it was a friend. He grew upset and I told him to quit asking and I left."

Midorima grunted in agreement. Riko felt her face flush. She was so nervous just sitting here in front of him, but why? There's no reason for her to feel like this. The waiter came back with their drinks and took their order. Riko has already decided what she was getting before Midorima showed up. In the end, Midorima ended up ordering what she did.

"Midorima-kun." Riko said.

He opened an eye and looked at her.

"Why did you ask me out on this date so suddenly?" She asked nervously. She'll admit, she wanted to go with him, she just didn't expect it so soon.

"Did you not want to?" He asked with both eyes open now.

"Its not that, I just, wonder about why. . ."

He adjusted his glasses and looked at her.

"I find interest in you. You're different and your way of thinking interests me as well. And, I like older women."

Riko arched a high brow. The last sentence surprised her greatly, but she let out a relieved sigh and smiled shyly.

The waiter came back with their matching plates of food and the two began to eat, Midorima slower than Riko. Riko ended up not being able to finish her meal while Midorima managed to eat the rest.

"We might not have talked much, but I really enjoyed tonight." Riko said.

"I agree. Your mere presence was satisfying enough."

Riko blushed hard. She looked down then scratched her head. Before she could respond, the waiter came back with the bill. Riko reached out to grab it but Midorima snatched it before she could.

"I'll take care of this nanodayo." He said.

"Are you sure? We can split it-"

"I said I'll handle it."

She could have sworn she saw a small smile glint across his lips. Riko let out a thank you, and stayed relatively quiet. After Midorima paid, the two got up and left the still-quiet restaurant. The two walked alongside each other down the street.

"Your dress reallt suits you nanodayo." Midorima said.

"Thank you, I had to go through four different stores to find it."

"You don't own a dress?" He looked at her.

"Now I do." She said looking down.

"I'm rather surprised. A girl with your figure should be able to wear any dress and look nice in it."

Riko was left speechless. This is the most she's ever heard Midorima say to her, let alone in general, especially about something personal.

Two strangers walked past them on her side. Midorima instinctively looped his arm through hers, bringing her a tug closer. Riko placed her other hand on his arm, feeling more secure.

"It never hurts to be careful." He said.

Riko agreed. The two walked closely, through the dark streets and back towards the metro station. Riko thanked him for tonight, but he stopped her.

"Save the goodbye when you're home." He said.

"What do you mean?"

"It's late and I'll feel uneasy if I left you to walk home in your own." He said, finally showing his rare smile. Riko smiled back, looping her arm through his. Riko looked forward to their second date.

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