Happy Birthday! (Riko x Kagami) Birthday Special

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banana_senpai helped inspire me ^^ Happy Birthday Bakagami!

(On a side note, this came out longer than I thought and I don't know if this is my best one >_< soooorrrryyyyyy)

The sun just rose only an hour ago, and the red and black haired teen was already out and about, dribbling the darkening basketball. It was a Sunday morning, and since there was no school, he seized this perfect early moment to go outside and practice his dribbling and jumping. Sweat drenched his shirt already.

"Ooh? You're actually out here practicing already." Said a deep, but familiar voice.

When he landed hard from a dunk, the teen looked at his approaching rival, Aomine Daiki member of the Generation of Miracles.

"Aomine? What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I should be asking you that, Bakagami." He smirked, picking up the basketball and spinning it on his finger.

"I'm just practicing that's all." Kagami said, scratching his head.

"Isn't today something special for you or something?" Aomine said, looking away while yawning.

Kagami stiffened. How did Aomine know it was his birthday? The only person who came to mind who could have told him was Kuroko, but he was sure he hasn't told him that. Only one person knew when his birthday was, and there's no way she would have told Aomine that, especially out of the blue.

"Whatever, let's do a 1-one-1 meanwhile." Aomine interrupted his thoughts.

"Meanwhile? What do you-"

Aomine threw the ball at him and he caught it by surprise. The blue haired boy rolled his sleeves up and put himself in a defensive stance between Kagami and the basket. Kagami began to dribble and took the offense, dribbling around Aomine but suddenly getting the ball stolen from him.

While the two continued their game, a petite brunette walked by, her cellphone against her ear. She clenched her fist in rage as the other person wasn't picking up their phone.

"That baka! Just wait until I get. . ." the sound of dribbling entered her ears and she looked up in front of her to see the two aces of their basketball teams going at each other with the basketball. Riko sighed and slapped her forehead with a hard palm. When she stepped onto the court, she crossed her arms across her torso.

"Aomine-Kun! Kagami-Kun!" she called out to them.

The two stopped and turned their heads in the direction of the feminine voice. Aomine, who had the ball. passed it back to Kagami.

"Coach? What are you-"

"You took too long." Aomine said, interrupting Kagami's sentence and walking towards the coach. She stammered some inaudible things to Aomine and the two walked off. Kagami stood there, frozen for probably a minute. What just happened?

Why was his coach hanging out with Aomine of all people?! Were . . . they seeing each other? The bitter thought made Kagami cringe. He was almost positive that his coach was well aware of his feelings towards her. Why would she suddenly so this to him?

Kagami suddenly felt sick to his stomach. Not even a happy birthday from her? He clutched his fists and walked near the basketball hoop, his head in his hands.

Meanwhile, the coach and Aomine walked together to a large, white tent that was being set up on in the park not too far from Seirin. The two walked in and noticed that everyone underneath it was a mess.

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