Black and Yellow Stripes (Riko x Aomine)

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It was another lazy day for Aomine Daiki. After sleeping on the roof for the whole duration of basketball practice, he wakes up and is surprised to see that Momoi wasn't there to wake him. He stood up, stretched out his muscular back that happened to pop three times, then began to climb down the ladder. Once he reached the bottom, he jumped out and landed on the floor. With hands tucked into his pockets, he walked forward, every step feeling like his last. He was always so tired, not wanting to do anything but sleep and look at his magazines.

It was a nice spring day, and there was no wind in the air. With the sun out high, it created a perfect temperature to be outside in short sleeves or a thin long sleeve. Aomine didn't feel warm, for he was wearing his long sleeve school uniform and pants. The low sunlight hit him and warmed his skin, but it didn't feel hot enough for him to take off his long sleeves.

A scent of flowers began to float through the air. Aomine caught a whiff of it and sneezed. He wiped his nose with his sleeved and breathed in hard through his nose. Spring was also the sign of allergies, something Aomine wasn't very fond of. The sweet floral scent began to overpower Aomine's nose and his sneezing became uncontrollable. 

"Damn, I hate these flowers." Aomine mumbled as his sneezing settled down. He glanced over to his right where he could see the many patches of multicolored flowers. He looked over from flower patch to flower patch, making sure he didn't see any of those things buzzing around. A few steps later. another round of sneezes came by. The blue haired teen walked faster, trying to get as far away from the flowers as he can. He came across another path that intersected the one that he was on, but he couldn't see the person who was walking past him because another sneeze crept up his nose.


"Agh, oh ew! What where you're sneezing you little-" the angered, but high pitched voice, stopped.

"Sorry I couldn't see where I was-," the blue haired teen stopped and looked down, "oye, aren't you Tetsu's coach?" 

"Yes I am! Now do me a favor, and watch where you sneeze next time!" the brunette said, wiping her sleeve against her hair, trying so desperately to get the microscopic germs of her.

"I said I'm sorry. I didn't see you, probably because you're so short." Aomine said, looking up and away.

"Short!? Excuse you-"

"Even Tetsu is taller than you and he was the shortest on our team back at Teiko. Isn't it weird for the coach to be shorter than the players?" Aomine yawned.

"Well sor-ry," the coach emphasized,"for not reaching your height expectations! And by the way,  I have a name, and it happens to be Riko Aida." with her hands crossed, she glared up at him, veins popping.

"Tch." Aomine smirked.

"Don't you 'tch' me, I expect an apology from you!"

"For what? Calling you a. . .bee!" 

Riko raised a brow in confusion. The tall, truculent basketball player was now holding his head in his arms, quaking with fear. The buzzing sound of a bee was now nearing Riko. The buzzing surrounded her head and she finally caught sight of the the flying, black and yellow blur. It flew around Aomine, making him squat lower and hold his head tighter. 

"Make it go away!" Aomine shrieked as he suddenly fell to the ground.

Riko sighed. Did such a small creature like this scare the living daylights of such a tough guy like him? It was almost unbelievable. The bee came around and happened to land on the shivering boy's shoulder.

"Aomine-kun, don't move!" Riko said, walking closer to him.

"Why?" she heard him say.

Riko didn't answer but walked closer, reaching her hand out, palm facing up, and rested it against the bee. The bee crawled a little bit towards her hand and then finally crawled onto it. She put her other palm around it.

"I have the bee. It was on your shoulder." Riko said.

"It-it was? You got it off?" Aomine said, raising his head of out his man-made shell. He slowly got up but kept a distance from her.

"I have it. It's in my hands." Riko assured.

"Then-then stay away from me. That bee can sting your hand and it'll come after me!" Aomine pointed at himself.

Once again, Riko sighed. She felt the little fuzzy feet crawl around her palm which tickled a bit. The small wings lightly touched the hand covering it. The bee walked in circles. 

"I can't believe that the oh-so tough Aomine Daiki is afraid of this!" Riko said teasingly, stretching her hands out towards the scared looking teen.

"Shut up! It's something I keep to myself alright! They're just so small, yet so mean!"

"Well, most people stray away from bees for two reasons. One, they're allergic. Two, they were stung at an earlier age and they have developed a fear of it. Which one's your reason?"

Aomine sighed. He gave her a hopeless look. "Fine. When I was younger I was stung by a bee. I was terrified. That's why I now hate-," Riko coughed, " I mean, am afraid, of bees." Aomine crossed his hands. "Now you know, would you please get rid of it! Just knowing it's in there crawling around your hand is giving me the creeps!"

Riko chuckled. "Of course." She opened her hands and the small, black and yellow striped creature flew out of her hands and away. 

"Thank you. And please, wash your hands. Knowing that you were holding that thing in there." Aomine said, stealing a glance at her.

"You mean these?" Riko shoved her hands on Aomine's face.

"Gah! Get away from me!"

Riko couldn't help but laugh. She promised she would wash her hands as soon as she had the chance. She walked alongside Aomine as the two walked far away from the flower patches, hoping not to bump into anymore bees. They reached the end of the path which divided. They said their farewells.

"And, by the way, Riko, let's just pretend this never happened, alright?' Aomine said, looking at her.

"I will, if you watch where you sneeze next time." Riko said, returning his look.

"Thanks. I guess your somewhat friendly personality makes up for your height." Aomine said bluntly.

"What did you say?!" Riko choked. 

After what just happened, he dared call her short? Again?

"That's why I said somewhat friendly." Aomine smirked. 

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