Notice Me (Birthday Special: Riko x Kuroko)

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KuroRiko requested by tumblr user

Prompt: since Kuroko's birthday .. KuroRiko five times please! suggest a prompt to five times Riko was dense to Kuroko's affection and the one time she wasn't (something along those lines you may or may not use it if you have other, simpler ideas in mind) Thank you! <3

Happy Birthday Kuroko!! <3

Despite all the birthday celebrations and attention he was receiving, there was one thing Kuroko really wanted for his birthday. Sure, he received everyone's attention and he was receiving presents and "happy birthdays" here and there but there was still that one person he wanted special attention from. When basketball practice was over and his team circled around him, he looked through the crowd to see his coach celebrating as well, making him smile. However, once everyone left and he was left to carry all the presents, his coach only handed him a small gift and a "happy birthday". Nothing more. Kuroko wanted to speak out, confess the feelings he's always held back, but the memories from the past began to flood back.

The first time he confessed, his coach, Riko, was left in surprise. She looked left and right before scratching her head and looking at him. "Kuroko, I understand your feelings, but I can't afford to fall for any of my players. I apologize." She bowed. Kuroko didn't know how to handle the rejection so he remained quiet for a very long time. But knowing Kuroko, he was only going to try again.

The next time he confessed was before practice in the gym. Riko hesitated this time and Kuroko hoped she had a change of heart, but again, rejection, and the same reason this time. Kuroko was forced to walk back sigh shame.

Two months later, Kuroko tried to start a conversation with her when he offered to walk her home one day. He talked to her about his Ignite Pass and how he could use it better. As they approached her house, she stopped in front of her and bowed, "Coach, I apologize but I can't help my feelings, I really like you." Riko was quiet for a moment before she finally answered. "My dad will kill me if he found out I was dating you, I'm sorry Kuroko." She thanked him for walking her home and went inside.

Kuroko felt that was progress, loosely saying that if her dad didn't kill her, she could accept his feelings.

The fourth time he confessed, he did it in front of the team, not sure why, but with the reassurance of his teammate Kagami, he felt confident to say it again. The entire team gasped with the exception of Hyuuga, who practically choked. Riko pulled Kuroko aside and told him that preliminaries were approaching, she cannot focus on a relationship with the team to worry about. But this time, she hugged him. Kuroko hugged back but she pulled away quickly and brought him back to practice where Kagami pat him on the back for trying, and Hyuuga kept shooting him dirty looks from across.

And now, this moment felt precious. These memories flooded Kuroko's mind as he watched his coach walk away from him. It was a now or never situation and Kuroko wouldn't let it slip by him. "Coach, wait! I have to tell you something!" There were no preliminaries approaching, he would find a way to get around her dad, and the team, well, they'll just get used to it. Riko turned around and looked at him. Kuroko began to speak. "I know I've said this to you many times in the past, but please, coach, my feelings are still strong and I can't help them. I like you coach, I really do. Please notice me." He bowed. Sweat began to trickle down his neck out of nervousness. Riko began to walk towards him and he looked up. He didn't really notice how much shorter she was, which explained why she grabbed him by the collar and pulled his head down where their lips met. She pulled away and smiled, "happy birthday Kuroko" and left the gym.

Kuroko didn't know whether to smiled and blush or to jump in happiness. Whatever he did, he knew this was major progress. Next time, next time for sure he'll ask her out. For now, this was the best birthday present he could ask for.

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