Secrets (Riko x Kise)

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He wouldn't leave her alone. The blond model continued to chase the brunette as she walked away from him. Why did he keep chasing me? Riko thought.

"Riko-cchi! Wait!" the blond called out.

Riko sighed. 

"What do you want?!" she stammered.

"Why don't you want to hang out with me! I'm bored and have nothing to do!" Kise whined like a little child. Riko always viewed Kise as a child, but he's the total opposite on the court. That is his personality after all.

"Don't you have modeling to do or something?" Riko asked, not turning around to look at him.

"It got cancelled today! I was so glad it was but I didn't have time to change clothes so now I'm stuck in these." Kise said, looking down at his outfit.

Riko turned around to see Kise wearing black leather pants with a chain on the side, a gray sleeveless sweater with a black and white shirt under and a gray fedora. He looked pretty appealing in that outfit. 

"So what do you say? Hang out with me please!' Kise begged, grabbing Riko's hands and turning her around to face him.

Riko furrowed her brows. She didn't really want to spend the rest of her day with Kise, but he wouldn't leave. Kise's little puppy dog eyes made Riko's stomach turn. her cheeks began to flush and hesitated. 

"If I were to say yes, where would we go?" Riko said sternly, crossing her arms and turning away.

"All my co-workers go to this fancy ice cream parlor downtown by the clothing stores. I've never gone there and I want to try it." Kise almost sang, his smile grew wide and his eyes began to glow, or so it seemed.

"Th-that one? But it's super expensive! I can't possibly-"

"I'll pay for it Riko don't you worry your little head."Kise said, ruffling Riko's hair. He grabbed her hand and began to take off down the street.

"I didn't say yes though!" Riko argued. 

"But now I'm excited! Please!" Kise begged again.

Riko sighed. Why was she giving in?

"Fine, just ice cream and that's it!"

Riko couldn't hear Kise's response because he was already tugging her away. As they walked deeper downtown, many people turned their heads to watch this rather dynamic duo pass by. Riko turned red when she saw the many pairs of eyes on her. 

"Kise, won't someone recognize you here and you'll be swallowed by fans?" Riko asked.

"I should be fine, I don't see any fangirls here!"

"Can you let go of my hand now please." Riko asked. The sound of nervousness in the question made Kise stop and turn around. Her face was bright crimson. He let go of her arm and walked alongside her instead.

"Something wrong, Riko-cchi?"Kise asked calmly.

"It's just all the people were watching, I got kind of embarrassed, especially since you were holding my hand so tightly." Riko said, rubbing her now-red hand.

"Oh, sorry about that. I'll be more careful next time! Okay?" he smiled. 

"Okay." Riko smiled. Kise continued to walk alongside Riko and his shoulder brushed against hers quite frequently. Riko would scoot a little to a side to allow her personal bubble to inflate again, only to have it popped by Kise, who would fill in the gap with his shoulder. Riko almost ended up walking off the street after moving away so much, in which Kise noticed and only pulled her back towards the center of the sidewalk, followed by a, "why are you so far away Riko-cchi?", and they continued onward. Riko knew that the winner of this shoulder-battle was Kise.

"Here we are!" Kise chimed. 

Riko looked up the grand building. It was too fancy for an ice cream parlor, but there were fancy paintings of ice cream all over the windows, and the two large red and white pillars in front swirled upward, reminding Riko of candy canes. Kise opened the door for her and two walked inside. The scent of melting chocolate immediately hit Riko and she inhaled it, savoring the sweet scent in her nose. Ice creams of all different colors and flavors that she's never heard of were aligned in containers all the way across the parlor. There were several people in line, ordering mocha ice creams with white chocolate chips and caramel drizzled on top, or vanilla swirled with three other ice creams, covered in fudge. Riko felt her mouth water.

"What do you want?" Kise asked, snapping Riko out of her ice cream fantasy.

"Wh-what do I want? There's too many choices! What could I possibly pick!" Riko pulled her hair and shifted her weight side to side, conflicted with what to choose.

"I have an idea. My co-workers always recommended this one ice cream and said I had to try it. You go sit over there and I'll get it for us." Kise said, tapping her head gently and getting in line.

Riko pulled out a chair and sat next to the table by the window. She thought about the way Kise looked at her just now. His smile wasn't the usual goofy smile that he wore, but rather a calm and soft one. Riko found herself thinking of his smile but quickly pinched herself. What was she doing?

Suddenly, a glass bowl was set in front of her with a delicate silver spoon. Inside the bowl was a swirl of white and pink ice cream with curled pink toppings, orange zest, and butterscotch drizzling. her eyes opened to the size of the bowl as she admired the delicacy of this bowl of ice cream.

"Bon appetite, Riko-cchi!" Kise said, sitting in front of her with his bowl in front if him. He began to eat his already. 

With the spoon in her hand, she took a spoonful of ice cream that contained a little bit of everything and ate it. A rainbow of flavors attacked Riko's tongue as she savored the cold goodness. 

"This is the best ice cream I've ever had!" Riko happily said, eating another spoonful. 

"I'm glad you did." Kise said with a smile. There it is again, his smile. Riko felt heat enter her cheeks.

"Why are you blushing?" Kise asked. He was looking at her while she was looking at him, and she didn't even notice.

"Uh, nothing." she looked down.

"Tell me Riko-cchi!" he began to whine again.

"It's nothing!" 

Kise pouted. Riko stuffed her mouth with ice cream. It was silent. 

Then the smile crept up his lips. Riko blushed again.

"You have to tell me now." Riko bit her lip. She felt a vein pop in her temple. 

"It's. .  uh. . . your. . ." Riko pulled her hair.

"Go on. . ." Kise smiled. 

"Fine, fine! It's your smile." Riko looked away and turned a bright red.

"Aww, how cute Riko-cchi!" 

"Be quiet! Don't make it worse!" Riko exclaimed.

"Haha, it's okay. Your secret is safe with me." Kise winked.

"Better be." Riko said, rubbing her ice cream on his nose. She laughed for a good time after that.

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