Once in Several Lifetimes (requested: Riko x Kuroko)

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KuroRiko requested by Tumblr user.

prompt: Imagine your OTP being reincarnated- multiple times. Only person B remembers their past lives. Thank you!

There is a quote that everyone is familiar with " . . . only comes once in a lifetime." Perhaps meeting the girl of your dreams is a once in a lifetime experience. But what about meeting her twice? Is that so special anymore? Three times? Possibly not. But, it's probably special for your significant other each tome, because she can't remember the life that has happened in the past; the one spent with you.

The first experience was at Seirin high school. The basketball team accepted new members for the start of the new basketball season. One mysterious little blue haired boy, Kuroko Tetsuya, the phantom sixth player of the group of progidies know as the Generation of Miracles, joined the basketball team. It was then where the blue haired teen started a rough, but steady friendship with his coach, Riko Aida. After their close victory against Rakuzan in the Winter Cup, Kuroko took it a step further, and closer with his coach.

"Coach, I have to tell you something." he caught her off guard shortly after the victory celebration.

"What is it Kuroko-kun?"

"I have a developed very strong feelings towards you, and I've decided this would be the best time to confess them."

The brunette coach was shocked, flabbergasted, astonished, any word that was used to describe her current feeling. Her jaw dropped low, but it slowly closed, like an upside down garage door closing. She looked down at his shoes, feeling his soft blue eyes piercing her skin, deep into her heart. It took a while for the coach to catch herself. Kuroko understood her current emotional situation, and gave her time and space to think, which resulted in her confessing her feelings back. And this is how the relationship started, but came to an unfortunate end only years later.

"Riko-san, are you ready?" Kuroko asked Riko, who was racing back and forth across her apartment in search of her purse in which she located tucked into the corner of the couch.

"Now I am!" 

The couple walked, hand in hand, towards the train station where they will travel to a brand new amusement; a present from Kuroko to Riko for Riko's twenty-second birthday. Seated in the train, Riko turned and opened her mouth to say something to Kuroko, only to have the sound of metal crashing into metal fill the air. The entire train jolted back, and the ceilings caved in, taking the lives many people, including the young couple.

The second experience was many years later. The darker blue haired, high school boy walked down the street with his headphones on. The street was somewhat crowded, people talking on their phones or reading books as they scurried past each other, up and down the street. The boy closed his eyes only for a split second where suddenly, someone bumped into his shoulder and knocked an earphone off.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I was such in a rush I didn't see you there!"

"No worries, no worries! It wasn't you-" the boy went silent. The girl whose eyes he's met, those familiar, caramel colored eyes that stared right back into his now dark blue eyes. Could it be?

". . .Riko-san?" he said. The lighter brown haired girl looked at him in confusion.

"Do I know you?" she asked. The way she slightly tilted her head to the side as she looked at him. Her somewhat longer hair was darker in color, but it helped in shaping the familiar face that he swears he's met before.

"You. . . I used to, I mean, we used to. . be together. . ." 

"I'm sure you've been with someone, but it wasn't me. She might have looked like me though. I'm sorry, but I have to go." The girl, his Riko-san, turned around and raced away. Something deep inside him told him to follow her, but his legs wouldn't move. He was glued there on the sidewalk, watching her brown haired head slowly become smaller and smaller until it disappeared. 

Memories began to floor back to Kuroko's head. The first time the two of them went on a date at a brand new ramen shop near their high school. How she laughed while eating ramen and choked, and he hurried over and helped her. Afterwards, they walked alone on a bridge with an amazing view of the ocean, the moon and the moon reflection across the waving waters. He remembers creeping his hand around her waist and pulling her close and the other hand on her chin, turning her face to face him. The way a small spark flashed, and his bottom lip was suddenly below hers, and her upper lip on top of his. He remembers the sudden heat that emersed through his body as he held her there, her body pressed against hers.

This was the second time he's seen her, and he's never seen her again until his third lifetime.

His third was more exciting than the second.

The darker blue haired boy was running. He never really had a goal in mind, he never said he wanted to run five miles, ten miles, fifteen, he just ran until he was tired. As he came to a cross section and noticed another jogger coming his way. She was runnig a bit faster than he was, and she made a right, now running in the same direction as he was. She was ahead of him, but he set his gear higher and caught up, running alongside her. She acknowledged his prescence and continued running. The simple jog soon became a race to see who could reach the docks the fastest, in which they both called a tie.

"That was a good run." she laughed, wiping her brow with her shirt.

"It was." he replied. 

The two shook hands and introduced themselves. Once again, those familar brown eyes stood out to him. 

"I'm sorry, but, have we met before?" he asked.

"I don't think so. I've never met a person with such dark blue hair." she chuckled. 

He chuckled to himself. The two walked and talked, well, they walked and she talked. He only listened. It wasn't long before he knew that this was her, the same girl that he's dated, the one he's had his first kiss with, the one he knew he loved at the very last moment.

It saddened him that he knew she wouldn't remember of their past life with each other, the one that was unfortunately cut short by a train. Her smile remained the same, her hair grew a bit more, but it still looked the same. Her eyes were still bright and caramel-colored. This made him warm, the same warmth he felt during their first kiss beside the ocean, with the moon staring down at them.

It was soon when they've already been on four dates. Each time, she would say, "You always remind me of someone, I just can't remember who!" He felt like he knew the answer, she reminded him of himself. It still struck him as strange that he remembers their past and she doesn't, but he smiled. All that matters, is that they've stuck together, throughout their entire life. But as he laid in his hospital bed, with who knows how many needles injected into his veins, and a heart monitor slowly beeping beside him, he thought about how he'll come to meet her next time.

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