Food Critic (requested Riko x Akashi)

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AkaRiko requested by @Mia-Amano

Prompt: how about something crackish with AkaRiko? XD like something funny!

Authors note: I drew a little doodle on top for AkaRiko ^x^ hope you like it !

Typically, the days are quieter on Sunday mornings, especially in the most rural parts of a city. It was a small grocery store and there were not many customers inside, but there was one particular customer that always came by to buy the freshest groceries for her kitchen. She wandered up and down the aisles, looking at certain goods and comparing some fruits to others. As she was peering at the large container of oranges and mandarins, something bright and red caught her attention from the corner of her eye. She looked to the side, and caught a glimpse of it, only to see that the person she spotted has already switched asiles. She naturally made her way to the other aisle and found him, looking down at the many different packages of sugar.

"Akashi-kun?" she said to him.

He looked a bit surprised that someone has recognized him, well, he did have bright red hair after all. He looked at her and kept his usual expression, studying her as if he was searching for a response to give. Finally, he opened his mouth.


She jumped at the sound of her last name. It surprised her that he knew her name in the first place at all.

"Riko Aida, head coach of Seirin's basketball team, the team that proudly defeated Rakuzan in the Winter Cup championship."

"Yes, that's me." Riko said with a half smile, half smirk.

"I must appreciate your hard work and determination that you've put into your team. It is what allowed them to claim victory after all." Akashi said, finally picking an elegant bag of fine sugar and placing it in his basket.

"My team never gave up, that's the key." She looked at some of the products and canned goods that were shelved.

"I look forward to playing against you in the future." He smiled.

"We look forward to it too. And we'll play each other just like in the Winter Cup, only this time we'll be stronger."

"And only this time, it will be Rakuzan that leaves the court victorious." He grinned.

"We'll see about that when we get there." Riko said, picking out a packet flour that was in the shelf in front of her. Akashi grimaced.

"Why are you selecting that particular package?" He asked.

"Hmm? Oh, this is the one I always get." She said looking down at it.

"That brand is one of the worst, how could you be so extravagant? Compare the brand you have to this one, " he selected a much more fancier brand from the top shelf and replaced it with the other package in her hands, " this one is much more refined and is packaged very close from here."

"This one is much more expensive though-"

"You must buy the best, if not then why bother go shopping at all." Akashi said, closing his eyes then opening them back up, looking right into Riko's basket.

"And the cheeses you have selected, you're clearly not aware of what you're about to put in your mouth when you arrived home don't you?"

"Erm. . .well I-"

"This cheese is not made from whole milk. It'll melt a lot slower and will completely destroy the texture of the dish. I have also heard your culinary skills need quite some work-"

"W-where did you hear that from?!"

"Aida-san I expected much more from you. This has come down to me as a disappointment. I am very laconic about your product choices. What is it that you were planning on making?"

"I was planning on making a casserole-"

"Then you clearly need to make proper choices for a dish of that-"

"Then why don't you just shop for me Mr. Perfect Know It All!" Riko exclaimed, shoving her basket in his arms.

"Do you dare command me, Aida-San?"

"Well you wouldn't shut your criticisms up, so why don't you just show me what 'proper' ingredients are if you so choose ." Riko mocked him, putting her hands on her hips.

"I don't have the time to waste to shop for you." he calmly rejected, handing the basket back to Riko.

"Oh, but you had the time to critique my shopping skills? I see, I guess I'll never know how to properly shop for the perfect ingredients that Akashi Seijuro recommended." Riko said, exaggerating her last words as she took the basket from his hands and walked away from him. She felt the basket being yanked out of her arm and a hand looped around her elbow, pushing her forward.

"I shall never back out from a challenge." he said with a stern face. Riko couldn't help but smile.

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