Rainy School Night (requested Riko x Kagami)

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KagaRiko requested by tumblr user.

prompt: hi coach! Big fan of your stories on watt pad I wanted to request a kagamiriko because it's one of the best ships

The unexpected happens unexpectedly at night, doesn't it? Especially when you're at your coach's house to do homework, or at least tried to do homework, but how long did that last?

Riko's father was out of town that Friday night. She decided to use that day as a study night. It was predicted to rain heavily with chances of thunder that night, so she had to stay inside. Exams were hiding around the corner and she needed to keep her head high if she wanted to become number one out of all the students in her year instead of of number two again. She had her evening planned, until she heard that her basketball ace, Kagami Taiga, was on the brink of failing his classes.

"Bakagami! How can you almost fail English!? You speak it!" The coach exclaimed.

"Japan's English is too formal!" The red and black haired player would say. This would result in Riko facepalming and grabbing her ace by the collar.

"I planned on spending Friday night alone to study, but after hearing about this, it turns out that you need to study more than I do! Not to mention you also need good grades to continue playing basketball!"

The ace rubbed his neck after being scolded by his coach. "So, does this mean you're teaching me again?"

"Yes. We're cramming everything tomorrow night. Be at my house at six sharp."

The ace would then complain about her dad, knowing he wouldn't hesitate to bring out his gun and point it at him, but Riko assured him he won't be home. The player was relieved.

When Friday night rolled around, Kagami found himself sitting on Riko's chair, near her desk and listening to her lecture about English vocabulary. The player sighed, which resulted to a fist on his head.

"Ouch, coach that hurt!"

"Then pay attention!" Riko said, patting her pencil on her palm. She glared at him, then pulled out another chair and sat beside him, grabbing her pencil and began to scribble on the paper. Kagami watched as she fluidly wrote English words on the lined paper. Kagami's eyes widened as he watched, surprised at the fact that his coach knew how to write in English. As he watched, his eyes began to trail up her arm and up to the side of her face, where he studied the concentrated look in her eye. Her red rimmed glasses made her eyes stand out more, and just now has he realized that her eyes shine rather brightly. When her eyes shifted to meet his, Kagami's heart jumped.

"Would you mind backing up a little bit?" The girl said with her cheek on her palm. Kagami didn't notice that he was literally inches away from her face.

"Gomenasai." He said.

Kagami turned a bit pink, but Riko continued to write. She would point out abbreviations and how to spell complicated words and their definitions. He began to lean in close again, trying to take a good look at what Riko was showing him. Kagami's nose was then filled with a sweet honey scent. Riko felt short, warm breaths on her neck. The two turned to face each other which caused their noses to clash.

"Bakagami!" Riko exclaimed, falling back in her chair.

"G-gomenasai!" Kagami said out loud, surprised with what had just happened. He reached out his towards Riko and she took a hold of it. Hoisting her up, Kagami realized her hand was very small and warm inside his. Light shades of pink appeared on his cheeks.

"Kagami-kun, you can let go of my hand now."

"R-right." Kagami said, letting it go. There was a light tapping sound outside that slowly transformed to heavy raindrops hitting the ceiling. Soon, the sound of thick rain filled the room.

"How are you supposed to get home now?" Riko sighed.

"It's okay, I can just-"

"You're not going home in this weather." Riko glared at him.

Kagami stopped talking, knowing better than to argue with his coach. The two sat back down and he rested his cheek on his hand as she moved on to teaching him mathematics.

There was an eraser near Kagami's elbow and Riko reached over to grab it, brushing her arm across Kagami's chest. As soon as she grabbed the eraser, there was a loud, booming clap sound outside which made Riko jump so hard that Kagami grabbed her before she could fall off her seat again. Several cold seconds passed. He held her there as they both looked at each other with their eyes wide open and their cheeks burning pink. It was a slow transition from for Riko, from Kagami's lap to her own seat again. She could feel her face turn as red as Kagami's hair. Kagami turned to a side and scratched his head.

"Thank you, for catching me." Riko murmured, looking down at her notes.

"It's. . . Okay." Kagami said quietly. There was another clap of thunder outside and Kagami's first reaction was to place his hand on her shoulder to assure her that everything is okay. Kagami looked at her and she smiled. "I'm okay." She said. This made a smile appear on Kagami's lips.

The two worked together on studying while they listened to the sound of the rain hitting the window pane. It wasn't long before Riko yawned and showed signs of tiredness. She works hard, especially for her team. Kagami knew she deserved a break. After yawning himself, he thought he could use a break too. Kagami began to finish the last of the problems on the sheet when he felt a small amount of weight on his shoulder. He could only move his eyes to see that the girl has fallen asleep on his shoulder. Kagami's heart began to pound. He's never really dealt with girls and now, there's one sleeping on his shoulder. The position he was in began to feel uncomfortable but he chose not to move in order not to wake up.

He chuckled to himself. She was the one scolding him about studying, but now here she is, fast asleep on his shoulder. Kagami was kind of glad she was though, because the growing smile on his lips wouldn't stop growing, and his heart raced a mile a minute.

The girl moved and brought herself more upon Kagami. He didn't know how to react, for her head was now on his chest. Kagami didn't know where to place his hands. A small stirring sensation grew in his heart. He felt warm inside but his skin grew cold. Feeling the weight of her head on his chest and watching her head slightly move up and down with his breaths, it all made him feel fuzzy inside. Is this what it was like to. . .cuddle? Thinking of the word made Kagami mentally slap himself. How could he possibly-

His train of thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the front door unlocking, and Kagetora Aida walking inside.

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