Shhh (Riko x Kagami)

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This is my first attempt at a rather more detailed writing so to speak.

I hope you enjoy *^*

Not many people knew, but Riko was not only Seirin's coach, but vice president for the student council. Of course because of practice, she always missed the council meetings. The day she finally attended one of the meetings she was immediately assigned to go into the school's closet room to fish out some boxes full of decorations and costumes that were neccesary for the school's upcoming play.

And of course, Riko groaned.

Due to her height, she had to find the tallest ladder she could and climb to the highest step, snooping around with her hands on the top shelves where all the boxes were placed. She located a box that was pushed to the far back of the shelf. Reaching her arms out, she got a hold of the sides and brought it forward, but as she did this, the ladder began to shake. Riko grabbed the box in shock and felt one of her feet come off the ladder step. Her heart began to race from the sudden fear that she could have fell, but luckily the ladder stopped shaking. With a relieved sigh, she climbed back down the ladder with the box and put it down on the floor.

There was a sudden snapping sound. Riko looked up to see that the shelf gave out and the items that it was holding began to rain down. She took a step back but lost her balance, falling backwards and landing on her bottom. The only thing left to do was the throw her arms up to protect her head from the oncoming falling objects.

Except, they never hit her.

Instead, she heard a large groan. Followed by a sudden source of heat enveloping her.

When the boxes all landed on the floor, Riko slowly uncovered her face, only to see a familiar face next to hers, using his body as shield to protect her. He bit his lip in agony, opening an eye to meet hers.

"Kagami-kun?" Riko said in sudden surprise.

"Are-you-okay-coach?" He breathed hard. From the look on his face, Riko could see that he was trying to suck in all the pain on his spine.

"I'm okay.." the ace took himself off her and Riko shot up, helping Kagami stand.

"You have to go to the nurse, you could have-"

"That's not neccesary, I'm fine." Kagami cut her off.

Riko knitted her brows and gave him a stern look. Despite saving her, he was in pain and had to be checked.

"Kagami-kun listen. You're in pain. At least let me take a look at you." She sternly said.

He hesitated, but took his shirt off and turned around. Riko cringed at the purple blotches that were growing on his back. She placed a small hand on the biggest one, causing the body to flinch.

"Did it hurt?"

"It stung a bit." He mumbled.

It wasn't like Kagami to admit he was in pain, and this struck Riko as odd. Riko eyed his bruises closely, seeing the purple slowly increase across his skin. The temperature in the room increased, or at least to Riko it did. She could see the numbers in his muscles, they were higher than ever; she looked past his numbers but into his muscle. She never really took the time to admire them, mainly because, well, she wouldn't. She can't feel any way towards her players, she was their coach after all! But seeing Kagami in this state, the purple bruises peppering his back, she felt her breath being sucked out of her lungs and she breathed hard trying to reach her breath again. She was suddenly unaware of what she was doing, she couldn't stop herself from doing it and she didn't know why she did it, even after she left the closet room with her face as red as Kagami's hair. She didn't know, but she did.

She planted a warm kiss on his back.

The body stiffened at the sudden contact in the middle of his spine. He turned around to see his coach covering her mouth with her hands, her face turning a bright crimson. The silence was loud in the room as his eyes widened down at her, who was avoiding his deep gaze. After what seemed an eternity for her, but a minute for him, he finally spoke.


She jumped violently, looking up at him with her hands covering her mouth. What was that in her eyes? Fear? Embarrassment? It was a mixture of many emotions beyond comprehending. The temperature, this perplexing atmosphere, it all began to swirl around Kagami. Unlike Riko however, he was aware of his actions.

He bent down so his eyes met hers and took her hands in his. Before she could react, he planted his own set of lips on hers. The bitter taste of his soft lips entered Riko's mouth as she pushed her lips back onto his. His mouth opened as he pressed himself against her, moving his hands onto her burning cheeks. All she could do was place her hands over his. The heat was overwhelming to Riko as she began to sweat. After tasting more of his bitter lips, she began to nibble on his bottom lip. She could have sworn she heard a soft moan escape his mouth.

He shifted gears. He took his lips off hers and began to leave a trail of kisses on her cheek, moving down her jaw and onto her neck. Riko couldn't help it but let a moan escape her mouth too. With his head nuzzled onto her neck, she released her urge by nibbling on his ear, brushing her hands into his hair.

If they could have, they would have been together like this for such a long time that they might have been welded together. Footsteps and the loud voices of students talking began to approach and the two separated quickly. Kagami reached down for his shirt and put it on. As Riko put a hand to her mouth and replayed the scene that had just occured in her head, Kagami placed a hand on her shoulder and a finger to his own lip.


Riko nodded, watching him smile as he hurriedly escaped the room, leaving Riko to stand there and shiver with his leftover body heat.

Wasn't she glad she came to the council meeting today.

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