Birthday Special (Riko x GOM + Kagami)

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Riko x GOM + Kagami requested by tumblr user

Prompt: Please write something for fluffy for Riko's birthday. Gom + Kagami x Riko again please!  

Happy Birthday Riko!

Seirin's basketball coach, Riko Aida, expected nothing for today. Yes, it was her birthday, but she really hasn't told anyone about it, wanting to keep it a secret. She enjoyed throwing birthday parties for her friends such as the one they threw for Kuroko a few days ago, but when it comes to celebrating her, she didn't like it, all the attention going towards her; not much of a "limelight" person.

When Riko reached the gym for practice that day, she was surprised to see the gym empty. Maybe they're in the locker room? She walked over to the locker room, only to find it empty as well. After snooping around, she found a note on Kuroko's locker:

Coach, we decided to practice at the park. Meet us there please ~ Kuroko

What?!? How can those idiots decide to change when to practice without her consent? She's the coach for crying out loud! Riko sighed, pocketed the note, and left for the park.

When she arrived, she noticed a big tent in the middle of the grass. She didn't see her team anywhere on the basketball court, so her curiosity took the best of her and she picked inside the tent, which was extremely dark. She heard scuffling inside, what was going on?

"Happy Birthday!" she heard everyone shout.

"Ack! What the heck?"

The lights turned on and there they were, Kuroko, Kagami, Kiyoshi, Hyuuga, and the rest. Kagami was holding a cake that said "Happy Birthday Coach" in pink frosting. Kuroko and Koganei were holding balloons, Kiyoshi and Hyuuga held a banner that said "Happy Birthday", and Mitobe, Tsuchida, and Fukuda all blew on whistles.

"It's your birthday, Riko, we thought you should have a day off!" Kiyoshi said.

"But doesn't that mean you guys have a day off too?" Riko crossed her arms.

"Kagami light the candles and we'll sing happy birthday!" Hyuuga hurried, shoving the match box in his hand. Kagami put the cake down and was about to strike a match when someone entered the tent.

"Yo! Is this where the party is at?" Aomine piped in.

"Aomine?! What're you doing here?!" Kagami yelled at him.

"I recieved a text from Tetsu about a party. Is this it? Whose birthday is it?"

"Kuroko!" everyone turned to the blue haired boy.

"Aomine-kun, I told you that text was a mistake and wasn't met for you."

"Well I'm already here. So, whose birthday is it?"

"It's our coach's birthday! You don't belong here." Hyuuga stammered.

"Don't be so mean four eyes. Maybe I want to celebrate your coach's birthday." Aomine snickered. Hyuuga clenched his fists but cowered down.

"Kurokocchi! Are you here- Oh Aominecchi! Kagamicchi! Everyone's here! Aomine sent me a text about Kurokocchi throwing a party! Is it Rikocchi's birthday? (Rikocchi?! Riko exclaimed) Happy Birthday!" he hugged her a little too tightly.


"KUROKO!" Hyuuga yelled.

He disappeared. The team went frantic.

"Do I, light the cake?" Kiyoshi said, looking over at Kagami and Aomine who were at each other's necks, and Mitobe and Koganei trying to pry Kise off of Riko.

"I have arrived. Accordig to Oha Asa today, I was supposed to bring a bumblee keychain to an Aquarius's birthday and Kise sent me a text about a birthday party," Midorima said, walking over to Riko, who finally pushed Kise off of her, and gave her the keychain, "Happy Birthday, Seirin's coach."

"Etto. . thank you, Midorima-kun." she said, studying the keychain.

"M-Midorima!" Hyuuga cried.

"Guys?.." Kiyoshi said.

"I heard there was a cake." said a tired voice. The purple haired giant walked in and found the cake, making his way towards it.

"H-hey! Murasakibara! It's not for you!" Kiyoshi said, keeping the cake away from him.

"It sounds and looks like a circus from the outside." Akashi said, striding inside and looking at everyone.

"Why the heck is the generation of miracles here??" Kagami choked, for Aomine had him in a choke hold because they were fighting over God knows what.

"Aida-san, I congratulate you on your birthday. Perhaps you should consider transferring to Rakuzan, our team could use your excellent coaching skills-"

"Beat it Akashi!" Hyuuga said.

"You dare interrupt me?" he glared at him. Hyuuga realized his mistake.

Riko facepalmed. The moment she knew her team threw her a party, she knew something bad was going to happen. Not only did the GOM show up, they were having their individual battles with Seirin. Riko had enough, the noise was giving her a headache.

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" she screeched at the top of her lungs.

The entire tent went quiet, staring at her. She took a few quick breaths and straightened herself out.

"I don't care that Kuroko accidentally invited the Miracles, everyone's here, this is my surprise party, Murasakibara-kun is trying to eat my cake. Why won't everyone just gather around, Kiyoshi light the cake, and sing me happy birthday!!!" she elevated her voice.

Everyone, without another word, gathered around her and cheerfully (It sounded more foreful) sang her happy birthday. Riko cut the cake ad everyone had a piece (except Murasakibara, who had three) and Kuroko, who suddenly appeared, brought a camera with him.

"We should take a photo." he said.

Everyone gathered around Riko and posed for the picture. Kise looped an arm around her waist, Aomine leaned himself on her shoulder, Murasakibara stood behind her, giving her bunny ears, Midorima stood off to a side and Akashi gracefully grabbed her hand. Kuroko only stood in the front. Kagami was trying to get to the center, but lost his balance, falling on top of Riko right as the picture clicked. The Seirin team was in the back, their reactions priceless.

Kuroko looked at the photo and smiled, showing everyone. Kise complained that Kagami ruined his photo, Akashi wasn't too happy either. Before Kise and Kagami could get at each other's necks, Riko held the photo and smiled.

"I love this picture. This was the greatest birthday I've had in a long time. Thank you everyone!"

The party went on until Akashi thought it was a good idea to try to steal Riko. That;s when Hyuuga lost it.

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