Want a Piece? (Riko x Murasakibara)

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An inner hero bursts out of you when you help someone in need, but sometimes we don't think of the consequences afterward. In this certain case, she acted before she could think of what would happen afterward.

It was getting dark outside, and the short brunette just entered a convenient store to buy herself a drink. Silly me, she said, I forgot my water at home.

The convenient store was small but brightly lit, with blinding lights located all over the ceiling. The freezer let out a huff of cold as she opened the door and pulled out a large water bottle. The familiar ring of the door opening was heard, followed by the large squeaky ruffling of chip bags and candies. Riko put her water on the counter but was suddenly cut off by a mountain of junk food that took up almost half the counter. The receptionist looked at the enormous mountain in surprise. Riko looked up to see the familiar purple haired center for the Yosen high school basketball team.

"Excuse me! I was here first!" Riko exclaimed at the teen who towered her by miles.

The teen looked around in search of the voice.

"I'm right here!"

He finally looked down to see the brunette looking daggers at him.

"You look familiar. . .oh you are Kuro-chin's coach. . . Riko-chin."

"Chin?" Riko exclaimed again. The cashier's eyes kept moving from boy to girl.

"Say, Riko-chin, I don't have any money. Can you pay this for me?"

"What makes you think I'm gonna pay for all that? I'm just paying for myself and leaving." The girl pushed her water towards the cashier and paid, putting her water in her bag. She was just exiting the store when she felt the purple eyes piercing her back.

"Riko-chin, so mean."

Riko turned around and met the eyes of the human tower. He always carried a lazy expression in his face, but this time the expression looked as if he was begging her. Riko felt her body being tugged. What in the world was tugging her towards him?

"I'll make you a deal Murasakibara-kun," Riko said, putting her hands on her hip, "I'll pay for your snacks if you put away all the super unhealthy ones."

Murasakibara looked taken back. He gazed over all of his snacks and pulled out a small bag of candy and pushed it aside. Riko raised a brow, and Murasakibara pushed the bag further away. With a sigh, Riko marched back to the counter.

"You should take out this, and this, and this, definitely this, and this and-"

Murasakibara put his hand on hers. Riko flinched at the sudden touch.

"That's enough. I'll starve."

Riko gritted her teeth, but inhaled and exhaled deeply and slowly. As Murasakibara put back all the snacks she pulled away, she paid for the ones on the counter.

"I can't believe I'm doing this." Riko muttered. The cashier responded with a sorrowful look. Once the snacks were bagged, she took it and handed it to the purple haired giant who took them happily.

"Thank-you-Riko-chin." Murasakibara said.

"You owe me money now!" Riko grimaced. Folding her arm as she said this.

The giant was silent. She heard the wrapper noise of a candy bag and saw a large hand enter the open and bag and dig out a handful of unwrapped candy and poured the colorful sweets in his mouth.

"Don't you ever get a stomach ache with all that candy you eat? And how does your body manage to work hard the way you do with all that in your body?"

Murasakibara shrugged, now opening a lollipop and crunching on it. The opposites pair reached the corner of the street, and Riko began to walk her own away.

"See you later. Don't forget to pay me back." Riko said.

She heard the giant mumble "okay" in between chews, she could've scolded him for speaking with a mouthful.

Five minutes have not even passed before she heard a loud woman's scream. Riko jumped violently at the sudden shriek. The woman began to cry for help, and Riko could not waste a second. She took off in the direction of the scream. The sound brought Riko to a dark street where she saw the woman struggling against a hooded figure who was wearing all black. He was grabbing at the woman and she did all she could to get away, but the man already had the woman stuck in his grasp. Riko ran towards the man and socked him right in the neck. He immediately let go of the woman to rub the sudden pain.

"Go! Get out of here! Call the police!" Riko ushered at the woman. She quickly stood up and ran away as quickly as possible. Riko felt a hand grab her shoulder and she quickly kicked back, hitting him in the shin. She began to run away too, but was suddenly pulled back by another arm. This man was powerful but Riko fought back.

"Let-me-go!" Riko kicked, aiming for the groin but the man turned her around and held her by the neck. He spoke nothing, letting his arms do the speaking for him.

The squeezing grew harder and Riko's breath was squeezed out of her body. She pinched and punched at the man but he only tightened her grip. She began to see lights.

"Let her go."

The man let out a yelp and he fell. Riko fell to the ground to, coughing and gasping for air. She felt her body slowly coming back to life again as she took a larger breath each time. Looking over her shoulder, she could see Murasakibara holding the head of the hooded man.

"I'll crush you, right here, right now. Stay away from her and pray that I never see you again."

Riko was actually taken back. She's never seen Muraskaibara act so serious except for the time Seirin played them in the tournament.

There was the sound of police sirens and soon enough, police cars appeared and arrested the man. Several questions were asked by the officers, and then they left as quickly as they came.

Riko rubbed her neck, she still felt like she was being choked. The giant approached her and looked down at her. He placed a large hand on her head and rubbed her hair.

"Is Riko-chin okay?"

"I'm fine, thanks to you. Thank you." Riko said, looking down.

"Riko-chin should watch out more, you could have died if I didn't save you."

Tears pricked her eyes. He's right, she could've died, right here in the middle of a street in the hands of a dangerous stranger. The thought of it happening now, it gave Riko a sense of fear and realization that she's never felt before.

A finger wiped her cheek. She didn't realize that she had tears streaming down her cheeks and the purple giant was wiping them away.

"It's okay Riko-chin, I was here to help you."

"Thank you Murasakibara-kun." Riko felt a falling sensation, then she realized she was hugging him and to her surprise, he hugged her back.

"Neh, Riko-chin, I know what will cheer you up."


Murasakibara pulled out a box of pocky, opened it, and stuck it in her mouth.

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