Let's Run (requested Riko x Himuro)

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HimuRiko requested by @felaqian

Prompt: n/a

All day, Kagami has been wandering around school, searching for something. All the classrooms, hallways, cafeteria, and, finally, the gym. Nothing. He went back to the hallways where he spotted the familiar brunette, his basketball coach, Riko.

"Oye, coach, uhh, have you seen Tatsuya around?"

"Himuro-kun? No? Why would he be here if he attends Yōsen?"

"I don't know, he texted me saying he's here and I can't find him. I have to go double check everywhere again though, he might be lost. Thanks coach," Kagami said with tiredness, scratching his neck as he walked passed her.

Riko shrugged and continued to walk right as she came crashing into someone else came around the corner, unnoticed.

"Oof! Sorry! Didn't see you there," he said, looking down on her.

"It's okay, it happens quite- Himuro-kun?"

"Oh? Oh! Taiga's coach! Riko right?"

"Yes! Kagami was just looking for you, he went that way."

"I thought I heard his voice. Hmm... Bah! Forget him! Say, are you busy right now?"

"Eh? Now? Not really why?"

"Let's go somewhere!"

Before Riko could respond, Himuro grabbed her arm and pulled her forward and raced down the hall. They left the building and away from Seirin high, down the sidewalk and into the distance.

"Him-uro-kun-where-are we going?" Riko breathed, her hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath.

"Honestly-I-don't-know," Himuro responded, his hands on his back as she stretched it out. "I'm kinda craving something sweet, wanna get an ice cream?"

"Is that okay with-"

"Let's go!" Himuro cut her off and grabbed her arm again, taking off into the same direction and into a more urban part of the city where shops and pedestrians began to pop out frequently. They've arrived at an ice cream shop fairly soon.

"Hi-mu-ro-kun-please-stop-run-ing," Riko collapsed in a chair in the shop. She found it unreal that she, herself, was this out of shape. She didn't necessarily run with her team each practice, but she did some exercise herself frequently. Apparently she hasn't been doing enough.

"Want vanilla?"

"Uh, sure."

Himuro disappeared and Riko took a final breath, no longer panting. Why did Himuro bring her here? Kagami was looking for him, he could've just gone with him but instead he chose to drag her all the way to an ice cream shop. Riko tried to piece something together but was once again interrupted when Himuro showed up with two ice creams in his hands. He handed one to Riko.

"Here's my apology you can say."


"I suddenly dragged you out here against your will and I, myself, don't even know why! So, I apologize for forcing you to come."

"Well I don't mind being here anymore, I just kinda want to know why you brought me instead of going with Kagami." Riko ate her ice cream.

"I didn't feel like seeing him actually to be honest. Always hanging out with that glutton-giant at Yosen bores me greatly because he uses me for sweets and help on everything. I wanted to come out and get to know someone different for a change. I just happened to bump into you and I kinda took that chance," Himuro told his story, eating some ice cream afterward.

"Oh, hmm. I see. Well, hanging out with someone different for a change can be okay, even if he is a member of your opposing team," she smiled a toothy smile at him.

Himuro laughed. Before they knew it, they were engrossed in a conversation about basketball. Riko's knowledge of sports, analysis and anatomy of the human body really took Himuro by surprise. He knew she would be familiar with these tactics, just not a professional at them.

"Do your eyes always glow when you smile?"


"They do. Have you noticed? Every time you smile, or laugh, the brown in your eyes glow. It looks very pretty."

Riko blushed, her eyes widening as she looked for something to say. She couldn't look him in the eye now, looking at the spaces behind him instead. Riko scratched her neck.

"Umm, thank you, I think," she muttered.

"You're welcome, no need to be so embarrassed, I'm sure you're used to it by now."

"Used to what?"

"You're not?"

"Wait used to what?"

"I'm surprised!"

"What am I not used to?!"

"Receiving compliments?"

"Oh, yeah I'm not used to that. It, it doesn't really happen often," Riko sat back in her chair, her self-conscious side coming in. She would be teased for her chest size, and her un-feminine-like qualities, those were the comments she was used to.

"Well, they should."

"You're flattering me."

"Is that good?"

"I don't know, should it?"

"It should. You're a pretty girl, many are blind to see it then."

"Erm, thank you again."

"I have an idea."


"Let's meet up like this again."


"Yes! Similar to that of a date."

"D-date?! Wait what're you saying?"

"You don't want to?"

"I didn't say that! I'm just saying, that you're calling it a date. . .isn't that kinda, too, fast?"


"Gah I don't know what to say!"

"Then don't say anything!" Himuro laughed, "next Saturday, I'll come back and we can meet here. Give me your phone number." He pulled out his phone. Riko listed out the numbers in her number and he pressed them in, titling the contact "Riko ^~^". He put his phone away and stood up. Riko stood up also and the two left the ice cream store and walked to the corner.

"Well. It was nice to talk to you Riko. I look forward to our date next Saturday."

"Wait so it's a date?!"

"Why not? I'll text you! I'll let Taiga know I left too so he won't be looking all over for me."

"O-okay then."

"Alright, bye Riko," Himuro waved at her as he walked off.

Riko blushed greatly. Out of no where, all of a sudden, she had a date. And out of all the people, the date was with Himuro. She facepalmed, thinking about how embarrassing everything was now. As she walked back to the school, she thought about what her team would say if they find out. They can't, she thought, although Kagami-kun might find out. Of course he will, he is Himuro-kun's 'brother' after all. Maybe the date won't be so bad, knowing Himuro-kun and the way he acted around her while they ate ice cream. Maybe it'll actually be a good thing. Riko suddenly felt a jolt of adrenaline rush in her arms. It was sudden and unexpected, a jolt of excitement for the date suddenly. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad.

Maybe she might even end up wanting another date after all.

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