Run (requested: Riko x Kise)

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KiRiko requested by banana_senpai

Prompt: anything as long as Kise is liking Riko! 

There was a swarm of girls, sparkly eyed and reddening,
waiting outside of the Seirin High school gym. What's a swarm of girls doing here? The last time there were many girls here, was because there was a certain someone present in the gym. That certain someone is-

"Kise! Can we have your autograph!"

"Kise, can we take a picture with you?"

When Seirin's basketball coach walked into the gym, seeing the giant mass of girls irritated her. She searched amongst the crowd and spotted the tall, blond male model. Her temple began to throb from all the girls who were just waiting to receive an autograph or take pictures. The coach, Riko, looked at the crowd. It surprised her that this many girls actually found this first year attractive, not to mention many more outside of this gym.

"Coach, how are we going to start practice like this?" One of the players asked. Riko responded with an angry gesture.

The blue haired shadow, Kuroko, watched the crowd as well as it slowly got smaller and smaller. It reached the point where there was only several girls left.

"It's quiet enough to start practice now, everyone, begin your warmups."

She blew her whistle and her team began to jog up and down the courts, followed by stretches and some practice shots. As Riko watched her team practice, she heard a loud voice call her name. Suddenly she was being embraced.

"Rikocchi!" Said the childish blond.

"K-Kise! What are you doing? Let go of me!" The coach struggled and managed to make the blond let go.

"Sorey, sorry, it's just that it feels good to see you again." He smiled. "We should go to another fair sometime."

Riko looked away. She almost perfectly remembers the day she went to one of the town fairs for a relaxing day, but ended up bumping into Kise and spent the rest of the day with him. Not like she ha a choice.

"Thank you for that, but the question is, why are you here!" Riko exclaimed, pointing a sharp finger at his nose.

"Because I wanted to see Rikocchi again!"

"I told you not to call me Rikocchi!"

The team stopped their warmups to watch the their coach and the blond. Everyone seemed rather confused, not knowing since when or why these two are affiliated with each other.

"Just leave now okay? I have a practice to coach." She said, crossing her arms and looking away from him.

"Okay, but I'll see you again!" Kise happily said back as he left the gym. Riko sighed.

"Coach, why are you and Kise suddenly so-"

"GET BACK TO RUNNING!" the coach interrupted her captain. No one hesitated it attempted to hesitate. They went back to finish their warm ups.

Riko stood on the side with her veins popping. She felt anger spread through your body in her veins. Her temple throbbed painfully, and she put a hand to it to massage it. When the fair ended that night, she remembered she went home with a massive headache, most likely because of the annoying blond. Her head began to pound. Annoying people really had their effect on her. But Riko managed to stay on top throughout the practice, pushing her team forward in exercises and routines. It was after the practice that Riko had to suffer another headache.

When everyone left and the gym was clean, Riko locked the gym and began to walk home. It was late enough for the street lights had just turned on. Riko finally sighed and looked forward to a quiet evening, but what happened was the opposite.

"Rikocchi! You should walk home alone, it's dangerous." Said the blond, walking a bit too close to her.

"I'm fine, I do this everyday."

"You could use a bodyguard. I know, I can be your bodyguard."

No, I can manage myself."

The blond walked alongisde her quietly , but smiling. Something about her stubborn personality made Kise want to be even more next to her.

"Rikocchi, do you want to hang out with me this weekend?"

"You'll be dreaming if I said yes!" Riko snapped at him, expecting for him to finally back away, but the results were the opposite.

"Then how about next week? A day when I'm not busy with modeling or practice."

"I haven't even said yes! Why are-"

"I have an idea! Rikocchi let's go right now!" Before the girl could respond, Kise grabbed her arm and pulled her forward, running down the street and making rights and lefts at random. They have finally reached a small nature scenery where, other than the squirrels and birds, no one was visible. Kise brought Riko along to sit next to her on the bench.

"Kise why are we here?" The angry girl asked.

"I want to get to know you better! So tell me, do you like casual clothing better, or perhaps a backstreet boy look, or maybe-"

"Not interested." She said bluntly.

"Then we'll start small! What's your favorite color? Or wait, favorite food! That one is harder to choose because there's such a variety of foods to choose from and-" Kise stopped talking when he realized Riko wasn't paying attention. Kise leaned in really close , being inches away from her face.


"K-Kise!" The girl jumped, feeling her heart jump out of her chest. He was so close that she could smell his cologne, his minty breath, and she could see her own reflection in his gold eyes. Her heart sped up and she was sure that his did too.

"Why do you look so nervous Rikocchi?" He said with a sly smile on his face.

"Why are you so close to me?" The brunette avoided his question. This caused Kise to lean in just a bit closer.

"Are you feeling more nervous now?" He said, the gold glinting in his eyes. Riko bit her lip and tried to back away, but there was no more space on the bench. What is Kise doing? Why was he doing this? Riko opened her mouth to say something but suddenly, a loud voice was heard in the distance.

"Kise! Kise! Girls look it's Kise and he's kissing another girl!" A small swarm of girls began to appear from the streets and Riko swallowed hard.

"He wasn't kissing me, he was-" Riko was interrupted by Kise grabbing her hand and running forward.

"Why are we running?" Riko called out to him.

"To get away from the girls!" He responded, looking at her with that model-like smile of his.

Riko smiled back. She didn't know why. She just knew that running got her mind going and focused, and she was focused on getting away from Kise's fangirls, alltogether with Kise holding her hand.

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