KnB List: Halloween Special

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A Halloween special I decided to write for my lovely readers ^x^ thank you guys so much! I hope you enjoy ^_^)/

KuroRiko: The two have agreed to go Trick-or-Treating on Halloween night, except they weren't gonna be alone. Riko had Kuroko wear a bright cape to go alone with his vampire costume so she wouldn't lose him, but the brightness only attracted nearby groups of children who took a liking of Kuroko. With Kuroko as the pack leader, they walked from house to house, collecting so much candy with the benefit of the several small "trick or treats" said at each door. Riko has fallen behind due to the amount of children that surrounded Kuroko, but he reached his hand out to take hers, so she never left his hand as they collected more candy throughout the night.

KiseRiko: This night has been planned for the longest time. Kise wanted his costume to match with Riko's, so the two agreed to go Pokémon themed: Kise dressed as Pikachu (which matched his blond hair) and Riko dressed as a trainer. The two walked happily around the neighborhoods, accepting and thanking compliments from fellow trick or treaters. At one point, they were receiving quite the attention, despite Kise being the famous model, for their costumes so the two decided to roleplay their characters; "Kise-chu, I choose you!" Afterwards, they wished they had brought an extra bag for all the extra candy they were given.

AoRiko: As Riko predicted, Aomine wasn't the one who wanted to go out for tonight. Aomine would just yawn and adjust himself on the couch where he flipped through the channels that were all simultaneously playing horror movies. He complained how he was too tired out to go "asking for candy", and no matter how much Riko asked him to go with her, he refused. Riko crossed her arms but Aomine only took her by the shoulder and sat her near him, forcing her to watch the movie with him. She might've not spend the night outside, but she was glad she had bought a large bag of candy in case this very situation happened.

MidoRiko: The green haired wizard has never felt so humiliated. With the brunette witch dragging him through the candy maze at the Halloween fair, he had no choice but to be pulled and forced to accept the wrapped sweets that she'd grab and hand to him. What made it worse was that Riko practically shoved the costume on Midorima and gave him no chance to really take a look at what he was supposed to be, adding the fact that it was pitch dark outside except for the fair nights. "Riko-san, what exactly are the garments that I'm wearing?" he asked. Riko chuckled and adjusted her witch hat, " you're a wizard Midorima-kun."

MuraRiko: The candy bags were feeling a little heavy, and the walk home seemed light years away. Riko's feet aggravated the cold night as she walked alongside Murasakibara, who hasn't stopped eating candy since their first stop. She constantly nagged him about it, telling him to stop eating all his candy and how unhealthy it was. The only response she'd received was the sound of him opening another sweet. She knew it was hopeless, but she wished Murasakibara was a bit more austere with his snacking. "Riko-chin, can I hold your candy bag?" "No, you're only gonna eat my candy!" Riko pouted as she held her candy bag away from the giant; no matter how much she had to carry it, she wouldn't let him get a hold of it.

AkaRiko: It was almost 11:00 P.M., and Riko was patiently waiting for Akashi to appear from his room. Apparently, he has prepared the kitten costume that she was wearing, which was a bit revealing for her. She saw the door open, and a hint of grin appeared on his lips as Akashi motioned Riko to step inside. He was dressed in all black, and she thought it wasn't much of a costume, but Akashi had other ideas. "It really suits you, Aida-san." Riko blushed greatly and was suddenly cornered into Akashi's bedroom. "If you want anything sweet, my servants will gladly present you with anything you wish." he pressed a finger under her chin, becoming closer. Akashi's mind wandered one way, while Riko's wandered towards the pictures of chocolate that fulfilled her mind.

KagaRiko: Kagami was looking forward to trick or treating, until his knee gave out during a scrimmage game at basketball practice. To make it up for Riko, who also looked forward to tonight, he invited her over to create a Halloween treat together. The two decided on cupcakes with chocolate ghosts on them, and three minutes into the making, Riko had spilled cocoa powder everywhere. Kagami's hands gracefully took over Riko's as the he helped her put the little pastries together. Riko had a dash of frosting on her cheek that Kagami took note of. "Riko you have something on your cheek." "What is it?" Swiftly, he planted a kiss on her cheek while removing the chocolate with his lips. "Something sweet."

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