Permanent Mark (requested Riko x Hyuuga)

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Riko x Hyuuga requested by 

prompt: n/a

He couldn't focus well during practice. The captain of the basketball team tried too hard to make his winning three pointers, which only resulted in him missing them by hitting the rim. The team began to take note that his playing has been off for a while, it wasn't like Hyuuga Junpei to miss so many threes in such a short amount of time, especially during practice. In the end of scrimmage, the first years beat the second years by ten points. Everyone was satisfied with the game, everyone but Hyuuga.

"Is something bugging you? That would be the reason for all your failed shots." Izuki asked while they were in the locker room. 

"Nothing is wrong." the captain lied, changing out of his sweaty practice clothing.

Izuki asked nothing more. He knew there was no point in asking Hyuuga, it would be like talking to a wall; he won't get an answer. 

Their ace, Kagami Taiga, walked past Hyuuga and faced him.

"Whatever it is that's bugging you, you should let it out. It'll affect your playing and coach will get mad." Kagami told him. Hyuuga flinched at the word "coach", but luckily no one noticed.

Hyuuga knew that she was the reason why he was missing. Because of their coach, Riko Aida. He's always had mixed feelings about her as long as he could remember. But lately, for some reason, he felt almost intimitaded by her. Under her observant eye, he always felt pressured. Pressured to do better. It would result in him trying too hard to obtain a good arch in his three pointers, he would end up arching too much and the ball would hit the rim. He would try too hard for a pass and end up passing it too far from his teammate. In his head, he could almost feel Riko's anger rising because of his faulty plays. What surprised him most? The fact that she hasn't said anything to him. All that anger and irritation was most likely boiling up inside her, ready to release it once everyone left. He would be grateful for that, so no one could hear him yelp in pain when would punch him hard.

The locker room became empty except for the lonely figure who stoed beside his locker. Hyuuga didn't want to say he was afraid, but he didn't want to go outside knowing Riko would be there. He knew she would eventually come barging in, yelling at him to go outside and leave already because she had to lock the gym. Hyuuga clenched his fists and took a deep breath, readying himself for what  might happen next. With a few steps, he left the locker room and was surprised to see Riko standing by the court, in deep thought. Hyuuga thought this could be his chance to escape, so he slowly inched his way behind Riko, that is, until she heard him.

"Hyuuga-kun." she said, not moving from her position.

Hyuuga halted and sighed. He knew there wasn't going to be a way to escape. Althought slowly, he walked over and stood near her, awaiting a response.

"I wasn't happy with your performance today." Riko said, still not looking at him.

"You have every right to be disappointed. I'm not playing well." Hyuuga said

"Lately, your playing has been sliding downwards. Is there a reason why?" she finally looked at him. Hyuuga bit his lip.

"I-I don't have a valid excuse."

"But you have an excuse?"

"Like I said it's not a good-"

"I still want to hear what you have to say." She won.

Hyuuga sighed and scratched his head. After a small pause, he began to tell her. "It's you."

Riko jumped at his two word response. After blinking several times, she focused her stare at him again.

"Excuse me?"

"It's because of you. You've been watching me so much I feel pressured to do better and in your eyes, I believe I'm failing. I'm trying too hard to do better which is only resulting in me playing worse."

"So you feel intimitaded?"

"A bit yes."

What happened next was as quick as a blink. Sudden pain erupted in Hyuuga's back and spread up his spine like a wildfire. The skin on his shoulder blade began to throb horribly. Hyuuga clutched the pain and looked at Riko, who was rubbing her fist which was red from the punch.

"Ouch!" Hyuuga exclaimed.

"It's what you deserve for talking like that." she grabbed his collar and made him face her. "If anything, it's the opponent that should be feeling intimidating. The reason you practice is so you can do better, I make you do these routines so you can all get better. There's no reason for you to feel that way. I watch you all to make sure you're all improving, not to intimidate you. Seriously Hyuuga-kun, I dind't except this at al from you."

Hyuuga bit his lip again. Did he now realize how much of an idiot he felt like after Riko talked ot him. He looked at her hard, feeling the pain vanish for the convenience of the moment of the silence. It came back when Riko sighed.

"Sorry about hitting you, but you deserved it." she said looking down.

"It's okay, I actually needed it. Thank you for talking to me coach." Hyuuga fixed his glasses. After a small goodbye, Hyuuga left the gym and began to walk home. Even though he hasn't completely said everything, his feelings were still there, even after getting punched by her. Except, they were more clear now instead of mixed. Next time, he thought, next time I'll tell her my feelings for sure*.

The first thing Hyuuga did when he arrived home was check his shoulder blade had a thick, brusing mark on it. He hoped it wasn't permanent.

** he tried to tell her but Riko sneezed on him. 

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