Surprise Meeting (requested Riko x Kasamatsu)

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Riko x Kasamatsu requested by tumblr user

prompt: Can you do a fanfiction about how kasamatsu has a little crush on riko ;)

It was early that morning that Kasamatsu Yukio walked around downtown Tokyo. He was supposed to meet with Kise Ryota, to shop for new basketball shoes, only for him to have a sudden photo shoot and couldn't accompany him. In result, Kasamatsu walked around alone, visiting the shoe stores, looking for a good-looking pair of shoes.

After entering one final store, he walked passed an aisle that made him stop and walk back, looking down it. Standing there was a familiar figure, he couldn't put a name to her face. As he stood there trying to remember, she noticed him standing there, making a strange face, and called out to him.

"Kasamatsu-kun?" she said.

"H-huh?" he snapped back into reality. She knew his name? How?


"What are you doing out here?" she asked him, setting a show back down on the shelf.

"I was searching for a new pair of shoes," he looked down, scratching his head.

"By yourself?"

"Well, Kise was supposed to come with me, but he had a photo shoot to attend to,"

"Well, basketball season is yet to start, it wouldn't hurt to shop together," she said while looking at the shelves. Kasamatsu was startled. Really, what's her name again?

"Okay," he said, standing next to her and looking at all the different brands of shoes.

"I don't mean to sound rude, but umm, , ,," he scratched his head, " What's your name again?"

"Hmm? Oh, I'm Riko Aida, Seirin's basketball coach." Riko said. She didn't show any sign of being offended, a victory on Kasamatsu's side. The image came to him and he remembered seeing her yell at her players from the sideline during Seirin's game against Kaijo.

"Now I remember," he said.

"What kind of shoes are you looking for?" she asked him. He jumped at the sudden question.

"Um, well, I'm not sure. My old shoes are wearing out and are making my heels hurt. I'm just looking for a comfortable pair- why are you looking at me like that?" he said in shock. Riko's eyes were studying him, his body, legs, arms, everywhere. Her eyes seemed to glow.

"Your numbers have grown since the last time I studied you," "Studied?!", "you need shoes with more gel comfort towards your toes and a low arch, so, you might use one of these," she said, bringing down a few pairs for him to look at. He took the shoes and tried them on, and to his surprise, they fit perfectly. He looked up at her to see her looking down at him.

"How are they?" she asked.

"They. . fit perfectly," he said,"How did you know that?"

"I have analyzing eyes," she smiled.

Kasamatsu has never really taken a good look at girls before, but he knew that if he ever did, he would like a girl who's athletic, loves sports, out-going and sweet. Looking up at RIko, he could see all that within her. She knows her stuff, and she even has analyzing eyes! Not only that, she coaches Seirin's basketball team, basketball, his most beloved sport. He would've never guessed that a girl like her would be so close to him.

"Is something wrong?" she asked. He was gazing at her with thoughtful eyes.

"Huh? N-no, nothin's wrong, these shoes fit perfectly, thank you," he quickly said, taking them off and putting them on the shelf. He selected a box with that brand and size shoes and held it in his hands.

"You'll buy it?" she asked.

"Yes. I don't think I would've ever thought about getting these ones, thank you for being here," he blushed.

"Oh it's nothing, well, I hope you enjoy them. I'll look forward to seeing you and the rest of Kaijo this upcoming season," she said, smiled, then continued to look at shoes. Why was she looking at shoes? Maybe shopping for her players? How rude of them to make her do the shopping for them, he thought. Kasamatsu hurried and paid for his shoes and rushed back to the aisle, only to see Riko gone. Where did she go? He felt the sudden need to talk to her again, he can't talk to her during the season, it'll look strange between the Seirin and Kaijo teams...Kasamatsu walked back to the register where the cashier caught his attention.

"If you're looking for a short haired brunette, she just left and made a right," he said.

"Thank you!" Kasamatsu said to him as he rushed out of the store, bag in hand, and made the right, where he saw Riko walking down the street.

"Riko-san! Wait!" he called out to her. She turned around and waited for him to reach her, a surprised look on her face.

"Yes?" she awaited a response.

"Would-would you like to hang out sometime?" he breathed, the sudden sprint from the store to Riko showed how out of shape he was.

"Hang out?"

"Not like a date or anything, I-I mean unless you call it that! I mean, to talk about basketball! Yeah, that's it! I've never met someone with an ability like yours, I thought maybe, we could talk about how to improve our skills, not like you're helping me or anything, but I mean-um, I mean-"

Riko laughed. This took Kasamatsu by surprise. "I know what you mean. Teaching you will provide a challenge for our team. How about tomorrow at 6? At the coffee shop near the mall?" she smiled.

"Y-yes!" he excitedly said. "I'll see you then!"

"Oh. and Kasamatsu-kun? I won't tell anyone of this date," she winked before walking off. "See you!"

Kasamatsu felt his heart beat so fast, it was ready to jump out of his chest. He couldn't believe it, he had a date, with an actual girl! An actual, pretty girl who loves basketball just as much as him! He was so excited, he couldn't stop himself from jumping up and down. After he celebrated, he realized he had nothing decent to wear. Oh no! I have to go shopping! he thought. He quickly turned around and rushed to the stores. He might even have to ask Kise for some advice.

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