Chapter 78 | "thank you"

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"Announcing the entrance of NCT."

The music and dancing stopped as the announcement rung out over the massive ballroom. All of the graduated students, Jang Mafia members, as well as all of their allies had already arrived. They stopped as NCT appeared at the top of the stairs, everyone in the room bowing deeply.

Jihyun was at the front her arm linked with Jaemin's as they stood at the top of the stairs, Taeyong on her other side. The crowd stared in awe at the group while they made their way to the foot of the staircase.

"Thank you all for coming." Jihyun said once they reached the bottom, all eyes on her still. "Let's have a fun night."

With that, the music picked up again, people being swept away for dances as NCT walked over to some tables on the side.

"So Hyunnie, may I-"

"Jihyun!" Jaemin was cut off by a voice approaching them from the crowd. She turned, embracing the newcomer in a hug.

"Eric! It's been too long."

"Yeah it has, I've missed you. All of the Boyz misses you and I'm sure they're each going to steal you away at some point so let me be the first, would you like the dance?" He took a step back, offering her his arm. She quickly glanced at Jaemin, sending him a small smile before taking Eric's arm.

"I'll see you later!" She whispered to him as Eric pulled her away to the dance floor.

Jaemin watched as she danced with boy after boy, it seemed as through every male in the room wanted to share a moment with her. He slumped down in his chair, staring into space when he heard someone clear their throat.

"You ok Jaemin?"

"Yeah I'm fine Kun." The Chinese boy stared at him skeptically.

"No you're not. This is supposed to be fun! A chance for you to meet everyone and celebrate, why are you so down?" Kun watched as Jaemin's gaze flickered briefly over to Jihyun, who was dancing with Kai from EXO at the moment.

"Ah, you're jealous? Jaemin, it's you're first time at one of these things so you probably don't get that this is just how it is."

"What do you mean?"

"Our gang members rarely even talk to her at these events. She's always so busy. It's not everyday that people just get to see her casually as she's always so busy, they want a chance to catch up with her."

"But why everyone? It's literally every single person in this room except NCT."

"Jaemin, we see her everyday. She hasn't seen most of these people in months and she grew up with them. You don't know them because you're new but almost everyone in this room has been friends with her since she was in diapers. The older members watched her grow up and the younger ones were mentored by her. Even though the gangs are split up, those bonds and friendship don't just go away.

Plus there's allies here tonight, The Boyz, EXO, Shinee and others. She needs to stay in good relations with them to remain allies, and that includes diplomacy."

"I know, but does she even enjoy it?"

"No. She doesn't. Well I mean it's always fun for her to catch up because she does genuinely like everyone here, but after these things she's usually exhausted. These balls are fun for us but for her it's about the image. Protecting and securing NCTs loyalty. She has to make sure all the gangs in the mafia are happy and safe, and she needs to make sure the alliances are strong. It's just part of the job I'm afraid. You chose to date a girl who is unfortunately busy all the time."

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