Chapter 36 | "challenge accepted"

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Back at school, things fall back into normal routine for the students. Jihyun decided to divide up their training, Donghyuck working one on one with Jisung, Mark taking Chenle and Renjun, while Jihyun works with Jeno and Jaemin.

The two boys are still tense around one another and Jihyun isn't so dumb that she doesn't notice it. She thinks of it as a normal rivalry between friends and uses it to push them harder. This continues for the next few months, all five boys improving exponentially and becoming excellent fighters.

"Great job today guys, see you tomorrow!" She says happily after another good training session, dismissing the trainees. Mark and Donghyuck leave quickly, forcing Jihyun to clean up the area.

"Need some help?" She looks up to see Jaemin walking towards her with a bright smile.

"Yeah that'd be great, thanks." She smiles at him as he bends down to pick up their training equipment, the two walking over to the storage cabinets by the wall.

"So, how are we looking? Good enough to be NCT members yet?" Jaemin says, nudging her side as they put away the equipment.

"Actually yeah, we're talking about it at the council meeting tonight." Jaemin drops the foam blocks he's holding and turns to her, stunned.

"You're joking right? I wasn't being serious." He looks at her with wide eyes.

"No I'm not joking. You've all been training with me for almost 6 months now, Jeno even longer. Mark and I are both on the council and we think you're all ready." She says with a smile.

"Oh my god" he exclaims, breaking out into a bright grin and hugging her, picking her up and spinning her around with joy.

"Don't get too excited yet, we still need to convince the council and all of you will have to take a special examination to win the approval of all the members. If you can do that, you'll be in, but it's not easy so don't go crazy." She warns, laughing at his happiness.

"Honestly I don't even care, this is just really exciting!" He's basically vibrating in his place.

"Ok calm down there buddy" she says, the two of them walking back over to the mat to grab the rest of the equipment.

"What? You scared I'll take your spot as #1 ace?" He says with a smirk causing her to scoff.

"Yeah right, you wish." She says rolling her eyes.

"Oh, shut up, Hyun"

"Make me" he looks up, cocking an eyebrow at her.

"Is that a challenge?" She simply smirks at him in response, turning to grab the equipment on the mat.

Suddenly she feels her legs get kicked out from under her, just barely reacting quick enough to stop her face from hitting the mat. She's turned over but before she can do anything, Jaemin grabs her arms, hovering over her and pinning her down.

"Challenge accepted" he says with a smirk, causing both of them to break out into laughter.

"What are you guys doing?" They look to the side to see Jeno staring at them, jealousy burning in his eyes.

"Nothing Jeno, just messing around" Jihyun says, sitting up and lightly pushing Jaemin off of her. He stands up, offering his hand and pulling her up, the two of them smiling at one another, Jeno just watching in anger.

She turns to say something but her phone beeps. She reaches into her back pocket, pulling it out and reading her texts before turning back to the boys.

"Can you guys finish cleaning up here? I have to run to HQ for an important council meeting." She looks at Jaemin, the two of them exchanging a knowing smile.

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