Chapter 19 "you're ready"

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"Renjun, you have to swing faster than that, commit to your moves."

"Jisung, you're pulling your punches back again, hit hard!"

"Chenle, please stop screaming, the machine hasn't even started moving yet."

Jihyun stalked around the training room as the boys practiced. They had continued meeting after school for the past few days, Jihyun slowly getting to know all of them.

It was two days before their final exam and she was running the boys through some quick last minute drills. The truth was, she didn't know yet what each skill's final was going to be, so she figured it best to have them ready for anything. Right now they were doing combat reflex drills with some padded machines as she walked around and corrected them.

"Alright guys, shut it down, lets take a break." She called out, each of the boys stepping off their machine platforms and grabbing some water, sweat dripping down their foreheads.

"How we looking, Jihyun? Think we're ready for the finals?" Jisung asked, excitement lighting up his face. She nodded enthusiastically, giving him a thumbs up.

"Do you, uh, know what the finals are going to be by any chance?" Renjun asked, rubbing the back of his neck while staring at her. She sighed and shook her head.

"Sorry boys, I don't. Each of the teachers decides that on their own, my council and I only observe and make final rankings." She pauses, taking a deep breath before turning back to them, the smile wiped from her face and replaced by a serious look. The boys quickly take notice of the change and sit up a bit taller.

"Even if I did know, I couldn't tell you or give you any kind of special preparation. I want you guys to know that I cannot be biased when I judge you. No matter what happens. Even if you're beaten and bloody, any action I take will only harm your chances of survival. I'm already taking a risk by training you alone, some might think it's favoritism." She sighed, all the boys nodding their heads, their smiles slowly fading.

"I do really enjoy having you guys as friends, and personally, I want nothing more than for you guys all to live past this. And based on what I've seen these past few days, I'm confident that you will. But the strength of the mafia comes first. You guys unfortunately signed up for something where anything less than excellence means death. That's how it works in our line of work. At the end of the day, as hard as it might be, if you're going to weaken our mafia or pose risk to the other members, I will pull the trigger if I have to."

She closes her eyes as she says it, unable to look at them. She knows thats not what friends should do, but she's not your typical friend. She has a duty to her family and to her mafia above everything.

"Jihyun." Jeno's voice pulls her out of her trance, forcing her to open her eyes and look at him. "We get it. Seriously, we do. and we'd never ask you to let us pass if you knew we weren't good enough. We'd end up dying in the end anyway." He sends her a sad but understanding smile.

"Yeah, Hyunnie, you're already doing so much for us. You're giving us our best chance at making it through this. We wouldn't be nearly this prepared without you, we owe you a lot and we just don't want to disappoint you." Jaemin speaks now, a small smile on his face and determination in his eyes.

"Just do your best. You're ready."

With those few words, theres a new fire in each of their eyes, determined to do good by their training and Jihyun's efforts.

"Alright, I think we're done for today. No practice tomorrow." she says standing up. All of the boys let out a small whine of protest as they push themselves off of the ground.

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