Chapter 66 | "get out"

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"Alright, Jihyun, you know the plan right?" Taeyong asked as the rest of the council prepared to leave the office.

"Yeah. Seduce Yoobeom, get as much info as I can, plant the tracker and mic, then get out of there." She said, walking towards the door.

"Perfect. He's their newest member and wasn't at Bangtan's base so he might not know who you are, but if he does just try to get him to drop his guard."

"Got it. I'll go get ready."

She left Ten's office and went straight to her room, flinging open her closet and looking through her dresses. Grabbing a few, she started to try them on, but none of them seemed right.

"Come in." she called hearing a knock on the door. Xiaojun and Yangyang pop their heads into the room and walk in, taking a seat on her bed.

"Ten just told us about the mission. We're staying here but we thought you might want some help?" Xiaojun said with a small smile.

"We're certainly not Johnny when it comes to fashion, but we can try. Or at least be your emotional support fashion boys!" Yangyang said enthusiastically, causing Jihyun to smile.

"Thank you, I'd love some emotional support fashion boys." She says with a laugh, going back over to her closet and opening it up for the boys to see. "anything catch your eyes?"

The two boys stare at the hanging dresses for a moment, looking over them quickly.

"What about that dark green one?" Yangyang says, pointing to a sparkly emerald green dress.

"I'll try it, give me one second." She grabs the dress, walking into the bathroom to change.

"So what do we think?" She says walking out.

"Hmmm it's pretty but is it right for a night club?" Xiaojun asks, surveying the longer flowy dress.

"You're right, Dejun, it's too formal. I need a party dress."

"Something sexy, too. You're trying to seduce this dude, right?" Jihyun nods to Yangyang, turning back to her closet.

"Hey what about that red one?" Xiaojun says, pointing at a small dress. Jihyun pulls it out.

"Oh yeah, this was one that Johnny had picked out for the dance. It was a bit too much back then but it might work for this." She mumbled out, already walking to the bathroom to try it on. She walked back out, self-consciously crossing her arms over her chest. Yangyang and Xiaojun stared at her, their jaws literally dropping.

"Yeah okay that's the one." Xiaojun breathes out with a laugh. "If you're trying to seduce a guy, that'll do the trick."

"You look beautiful, Ji." Yangyang adds with a smile.

"Thanks guys, I'll finish getting ready now, you're welcome to stay or go." They instantly stood up from the bed and went over to the door.

"We're gonna go...Hendery just texted that he downloaded a new game for us to play so uhhhh yeah bye!"

She finished getting ready, sliding a knife into a hidden hip holster and tucking the mic and tracker into a small pocket on her waist. She brushed out her hair, putting on light makeup and heels, securing her in-ear, before walking out.

"Is Jihyun coming?" She heard Taeyong say from the base of the staircase.

"I'm here!" All the boys turned to look at her, their eyes widening in astonishment.

"It's been a while since we had one of these missions, I forgot what it was like to see you dress for a show. You look great." Yuta laughs out, offering his hand to help her down the stairs.

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