Chapter 63 | "you're an idiot"

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"Welcome to partner training everyone, prepare to get your asses royally handed to you." Ten exclaimed as they walked into the large building.

All of the members filed into the large clearing, Jihyun and Jaemin walking in last, his arm thrown over her shoulder.

"What does that mean?" He asked, turning to look at the smaller girl. She looked back at him with a smirk on her face.

"You'll see." She broke out of his grasp, running to the front of the group and hopping up onto a platform, Taeyong coming to stand next to her.

"Alright everyone, it's time for partner training. Since we have some newbies with us today, I'll let Taeyong explain how this works." She calls out, stepping back for Taeyong.

"So here's what's gonna happen: this is a fight simulation. You will be given weapons, fake of course," he gestured to Yangyang who held up some nerf guns.

"There's more weapons and resources hidden throughout the building. It's up to you and your partner to stay safe. No where is off limits as long as you stay inside and alliances are allowed. Do whatever it takes to survive. If you get shot, you're dead and your partner is alone. Once your out, come back here to observe." Taeyong steps back.

"Yup, basically just you and your partner trying to win the game.l. Talk with your partner and we'll get started." She hops off the platform and walks towards Jeno.

Jaemin watches her approach him. She feels his gaze on her back, quickly turning around and flashing a smile in his direction before giving Jeno a quick hug.

"So Ji, what's the plan?" Jeno asks, letting her go and looking at her with a determined smirk.

"Just trust me. We're gonna win this." Jihyun and Jeno high five in excitement as they take their starting positions.

There was a 90 second countdown for the pairs to go and hide before the game official started. The seconds the clock started counting down, all the members bolted off in different directions.

"Where do we go?" Jeno asked quickly.

"Shhh, just follow me." She hesitated a moment, waiting for all the members to leave before walking over to one of the openings of a hallway. She looked over her shoulder one more time before pressing in on the wall. Jeno's eyes widened as the wall slid to the side, revealing a staircase.

"C'mon they don't know about this so let's go quick." She rushes up the staircase, Jeno following behind her as the wall slid back into place.

They ran up the stairs, hearing the buzzer go off as they neared the top. She turned to him with a finger to her mouth, signaling him to stay quiet.

They reached the top and carefully slid open another hidden door. When they stepped out, Jeno saw that they were in another room, there were extra guns on the ground as well as ammo and other fake weapons. They quickly ran up and secured the new weapons on their holsters.

"Where are we?" Jeno asked, looking around.

He noticed that one wall was open, only a metal railing running along it. Glancing over the balcony, he saw that they were on the top floor, overlooking the middle area with a clear view of each of the different floors that formed rings around the arena.

"A special hiding spot." She said with a wink. "We can see everything from here." Suddenly there was a scraping noise as a panel on the floor opened, Mark and Donghyuck popping their heads out.

Jeno instantly drew his gun, about to fire when Jihyun stopped him.

"It's an alliance, Jeno. This is just our meeting spot."

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