Chapter 37 | "compromised"

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Jihyun arrived the next morning, walking to the aces center to greet the boys.

"Uh hello? Are you guys up yet?" She calls out, having walked into an empty training center. She checks the time and sees that it's 10 minutes past the start of the day.

"They should be up already..." she mumbles, putting her stuff down and walking towards the stairs.

Suddenly she hears footsteps running towards her from behind. She quickly turns around and is tackled to the ground by the 5 boys.

"Oh my g-"


"We promise to make you proud!"

"Thank you so much!"


"Chenle please stop screaming, you will burst our ear drums."

Jihyun sits up laughing, gently pushing the pile of boys off of her.

"Well that is one way to start the day." She says with a smile as the boys stand up to face her.

"Seriously Jihyun, we're really grateful for the opportunity." Jeno says, grabbing her hands and smiling. She nods, squeezing his hands tightly.

"Well I can't stay long, I-"

"What? Aren't you going to help us?" Jisung says in shock.

"Believe me, I want to, but I'm not allowed. You're all on your own for the next three days." She says with a sigh. "But basically it's a combat test."

"That's it?" Chenle says, shocked. "Only combat?"

"Well the machines here track all of your data, we don't need to see it live. We've already checked your results and you passed, all that's left is combat." The boys nod to each other in excitement, a confidence about them.

"But this will be the hardest combat test you'll probably ever do. Each of you will one on one fight against 6 members of NCT in a row. You have five minutes to pin or force a yield with each one. Just do your best not to lose."

"Can we know who?" Jeno asks nervously.

"No, we haven't decided who yet. It won't be any of the aces or the council members, though. That's all I can tell you. On the day of your test, Mark and Donghyuck will come and get you. I actually have to go now, so see you in three days, train hard!" She says, waving to them as they walk away from her.

"Wait Renjun, come here for a second." The boy halts, nervously glancing around as he walks back to Jihyun.

"Y-yes? Is everything ok?" He says quietly.

"Yeah, I mean, you lip is cut. And you have another cut above your eyebrow...are you alright? Did something happen?" She says concerned while examining his face.

"Oh no, I was just training last night and didn't pay close attention." He says, moving her hands away from his face.

"Alright, be careful. See you soon!" She dips her head and leaves the facility.

- - -

The following days, the boys train like crazy. They workout to build stamina and spend all of their waking hours on combat training. They can barely sleep the night before the exam.

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