Chapter 51 | "they're here"

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"We came as quick as we could, is everything oka- woah." Chan stopped as he and Felix rushed into the head quarters. The main room was filled with people, all of the Jang mafia leaders were there as well as the members of the Boyz, Exo, and Red Velvet.

"Thanks for coming, Chan, we're just waiting on Shinee." Taeyong replied. As if on cue, the door opened and the members of Shinee walked in. "alright, everyone's here." Taeyong cleared his throat, getting everyone's attention as the room went silent.

"I want to start out by saying, thank you all for coming with such short notice. Now, you all know that NCT is incredibly strong and we would never call in all of our allies unless it was absolutely necessary, but we have an emergency." Taeyong says, a tension filling the room, gesturing for Jaehyun to step up.

"Jihyun's been captured. She's still alive for now, but her captors have the intent to kill her and take over NCT and Jang Mafia." Gasps fill the room at Jaehyun's words, all of them exchanging alarmed glances.

"Do you know who took her?" Jaebeom speaks up from near the staircase.

"Yes, actually we do. Many of you are probably very familiar with them. A few weeks ago, Johnny, Doyoung, and Taeil betrayed the gang and tried to kill her. They won over the loyalty of some of our guards and staged an attack during a formal trainee evaluation. Johnny, being the adopted brother of Jihyun, would be next in line for heir if Jihyun were to die and that's their whole plan."

"You said she's still alive though, right?" Chan asks, worry in his eyes.

"For now, yes. We have a special tracker on her and as far as we can tell, she's alive." Ten answers him with a small nod.

"Well where is she? Why aren't we going to get her?" Chaeyoung speaks up from beside Jihyo.

"She's at Bangtan's headquarters." The room goes silent in realization. "Not only do they also have Johnny, Doyoung, and Taeil, but they have their younger team TXT, Nu'est, Gfriend, Enhypen... and Seventeen too." Sicheng responds grimly.

"Look, NCT will be going to get her, but we will not force you to come with us, that applies to our allies as well as you other mafia gang members. This is going to be an extremely dangerous fight, and we're well aware of the potential consequences." Taeyong breathed out, looking at the ground while trying to hide the slight quivering of his voice.

"It's up to each of you, think carefully about-"

"We'll join you." Chan says cutting Taeyong off after a brief nod from Felix. "We grew up with her. Jihyun is one of our best friends and we'll do whatever it takes to get her back." Taeyong smiles gratefully at him.

"Us too." Hongjoong steps forward. "Ateez will be present."

"They won't take her that easily." Yeji says, standing up from her seat, followed by twice, got7, and day6.

"We might all be in our own gangs, Taeyong, but at the end of the day, we all fight for the Jang mafia. Jihyun is our leader and part of our families. We won't let NCT go in this alone." Sungjin adds with a bow of his head. Taeyong nods gratefully at the older male.

"EXO will stand with you." Suho says, standing with the other 8 members of his gang. "Jihyun has been nothing but a reliable ally. NCT has always helped us when we needed it."

"Red Velvet will fight as well." Irene says, stepping forward. "Not only is NCT one of our best allies, but Jihyun is a good person. She has a kind heart and is a wise leader. Someone of her talent doesn't deserve to die."

The Boyz and Shinee stand as well, dipping their heads to Taeyong in agreement. Their leaders agreeing to aid NCT.

"Thank you. All of you. I know this is no small task we're asking of you, and we truly appreciate it." Taeyong bows his head to all of them. "Ten?" he calls the boy forward.

"We have to act fast. We go at dawn, bring all of your weapons and tools. We're planning to wipe out whoever necessary." Ten speaks gravely, pulling up a holographic map from a small device that he placed on the table.

"We'll meet up here." He points at a small clearing just on the outside of Bangtan's territory. "They have her in their forest hideout, no doubt surrounded by heavy protection. We already have tags that all of Bangtan, Enhypen, and Seventeen are staying there. Meet at the clearing and be prepared, you will cross into their territory together." Ten continues, highlighting the path that they will take.

"I will ask that you all send over your hackers and communicators to our headquarters tonight. We will provide them with a space to stay and they have free use of our technology. I need to brief them on the plan and data so that we're all on the same page when we're guiding you through." Ten finishes, looking at the leaders.

"We'll go back to our base and send them over shortly." Chan replies, the other leaders nodding in agreement.

"Once again, thank you for this. Go home and prepare, we'll meet you there tomorrow." Taeyong says with a bow. The gang leaders and allies make their way out of the house, quickly driving off to prepare.

The rest of NCT splits up, most of them going off to train. Jaemin shifts back and fourth nervously before approaching Taeyong, who is currently talking with Sungchan.

"I'm going to split up you and Jaehyun, he'll still stay with you for the most part, but he'll be fine on his own. You're going to partner with Jeno, help him out. You're only job is to find Jihyun and get her out of there by whatever means necessary. I'll be with you guys."

"Taeyong?" the two boys turn to look at Jaemin.

"Go and tell Jaehyun and Jeno what I just said and help the others prepare." Taeyong instructs, turning back to face Jaemin, waiting for him to speak up.

"What am I doing tomorrow?" he says quietly, nervousness filling his eyes as he looks up at Taeyong.

"Well we're partners, remember? We're gonna be with Sungchan, Jaehyun and Jeno searching for her." Taeyong informs him. Jaemin lets out a nervous sigh, nodding his head slightly. Taeyong's eyes soften as he looks at the younger boy. "Just stay near me, okay? I got your back." Jaemin looks at the older boy, a small smile on his face.

"Thanks, Taeyong." he breathes out, pausing for a moment. "Do you think there's any chance that we'll get her back?"

"I don't know. She's smart and knows handle these types of situations. She'll know to try and buy us some time." Taeyong responds, trying to hide his nervousness. "Just stay calm and follow your instincts, plus, once we get her back, you and Jeno can finally confess to her."

"Yeah I wi- wait." Jaemin cuts off, looking at Taeyong who's staring back at him with a smirk on his face. "I have no idea what you're talking about."


"No seriously, neither of us like her like that." Jaemin insists.

"Whatever you say, Jaemin. Now go and get ready, you'll need to be strong tomorrow." Jaemin bows his head and runs off to the training center.

"They're here!" Ten calls, heading towards the door. Taeyong walks over to greet the newcomers.

As Ten opens the door, all of the hackers and communicators walk in. Chaeyoung, Seungmin, Mina, Dowoon, Yeosang, Youngjae, Chen, Wendy, Key, and Changmin enter the room. They all bow to Taeyong before quickly following Ten to his office.

Taeyong follows behind quietly as Ten assigns each of them to a desk with 3 monitors, a map and a mic to communicate. Ten and Taeyong then gather them around the large table in the middle of the room and carefully go over the mission plan with each of them.

Random middle of the day update because this is a major filler chapter and I didn't want it to be tonight's only update.
Sorry this is boring but I needed to add it for plot reasons. Shit is about to go down

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