Chapter 49 | "they got him"

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She lies back on her bed and stares at the ceiling for a bit, the anger in her body eventually fizzling out to a dull heat in the back of her throat. She continues to stare at the ceiling for a few minutes before theres a knock and her door flies open.

"Jihyun, what the hell happened? Jae just stormed out of the house and didn't say anything to us." Taeyong is standing in her doorway, concern written all over his face.

"He found out about the boys. He knows how long I've known them for and how I planned to get them into NCT." she says, sitting up as Taeyong comes to sit next to her. "He got pissed that I didn't tell him. He called me selfish and weak for not prioritizing the gang. He thinks that I'm so distracted that I might end up betraying NCT next." Taeyong stares at her, rolling his eyes in frustration while pulling her into a hug.

"Jihyun we know you'd never do that, right? You're an amazing leader, and you do absolutely everything for us." Taeyong says, pulling away to look at her with a soft gaze.

"Oh I know, I'm not sad." she says straightening up, "I'm pissed off that he thinks he can say that type of stuff to me. I get that we fight but I don't know who the hell he thinks he is." Taeyong sits up too, a mix of frustration and sadness on his face.

"Taeyong, why does he hate me?" Taeyong takes a deep breath, closing his eyes as he thinks of what to say next.

"Ji, he doesnt hate you. He loves you. I wasn't supposed to be the one to tell you this, but he loves you as more than family." Taeyong finally breathes out.

"I'm pretty sure he actually hates me half the time. He fights about everything with me, he never wants me to do anything. He's so damn protective all the time it's like he forgets who I am and what I'm capable of. I don't get why he feels like he has to treat me like a helpless kid!" She exclaims, her anger starting to resurface.

"Oh I know why you feel that way but you have it wrong. He's insanely protective over you, yes, and very territorial because he doesn't want anyone to take you away from him. He's so worried about you all the time because he can't imagine having to live without you. It's like your presence is the thing that is keeping him alive. You're his whole world." Taeyong speaks slowly.

"It really doesn't come off that way..."

"I know Jihyun, I do. He's not good with emotions, and you know that. He's different from you and I that way. He finds it hard to keep his heart and actions separate so instead he's just chosen to ignore his feelings, but he can't do that with you. And he doesn't know how to handle it. He doesn't know how to tell you or show you. You remember our training when we were younger....the only way he knows to show how much he loves you is to do everything in his power to keep you safe."

"There's no way Jaehyun loves me, he doesn't even trust me..."

"Ji, he's been in love with you for years, even when he was with Seyoung, he'd rather have been with you. He's just never acted on it until now, because he's never had to."

"What do you mean?"

"Look, the rest of us all love you in our own way, but would I ever even think of dating you? No." A look of visible disgust crosses his face as Jihyun shudders,  making gaging noises.

"Ew yeah no offense Tae but no, you're like my brother and that's weird." she responds quickly.

"Exactly. That's how all of us feel about you, except for Jaehyun. Well also Lucas, at one point in time but it only lasted until he got to know you and see you more as a sister and Jaehyun almost ripped his throat out. What I'm trying to say is Jaehyun never had to worry about you being taken from him. There's never been anyone else who thought of you in that way, so he's never had competition before. He just assumed that you'd eventually end up together. But Jaemin and Jeno...."

"What are you saying Yong." She asks slowly, still unsure of what he's telling her.

"Look, I can't speak for them because no, I have not talked to them about this, but I see them look at you, and act around you. Jeno always does what he can to be next to you and near you at all times, wrapping his arm around you, dragging you to practice, everything. He just wants to be around you." Jihyun thinks about all the times she and Jeno were together. No matter where she went, he was by her side.

"And Jaemin, well, he's a a bit more relaxed about it id say, but still the same. He gets jealous when you're with Jeno, or honestly anyone for that matter. He always is checking on you, every few seconds his eyes flicker to you, no matter the situation. And the way he looks at's like you're the most precious treasure on the planet." she softly smiles, remembering all of the times that she would catch Jaemin peeking at her out of the corner of his eye.

"There's no doubt that they care about you, and I'd say that there's something real there. And Jaehyun sees it too. He doesn't know how to handle this type of competition because he has no control. The only thing he can do is try and keep you safe and hope that you see his true intentions." Taeyong concludes, stroking the back of Jihyun's hand with his thumb as she processes everything.

"I don't know what to do."

"And you don't need to know. You might not like any of them in that way, and that's ok. You do not owe anyone anything, this is your choice. Do what makes you happy no matter who, if anyone at all." Taeyong concludes. The two smile at one another.

"Thanks Tae, I don't know what I'd do without you." He pulls her in for another hug, resting his chin on her head.

"Guys? Taeyong? Jihyun?" their sweet moment is ruined by Ten frantically running into Jihyun's room and locking eyes with her.

"They got him. They got Jaehyun."

*cue dramatic music* cliffhanger~

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