Chapter 31 | "fight for this"

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The four boys smile at her words, instantly rushing up to her and engulfing her in a group hug.

"We thought you might've forgotten us!" Jisung says with a small laugh.

"Yeah, Jaemin was all depressed for the past few days" Chenle adds on, earning a shove from Jaemin.

"I was not..." he quietly mutters out. Jihyun smiles at them before shaking her head.

" I could never forget you guys! It was all part of a plan, remember?" She says, leading them over to a table to sit and talk.

"Well we got a bit unsure when you started ignoring us..." Renjun trails off. She looks at him with sympathy, a sad smile on her face.

"I'm sorry about that, I should've warned you guys. Look, the council is really touchy about favoritism, mainly because of how paranoid I usually am, they would've never let me recruit you guys to the ace team if they thought I was biased, so it meant cutting off all connection with you guys." She explains, all of them nodding in understanding.

"Well whatever it takes to have our best friend back!" Jisung exclaims happily causing the others to laugh.

"Um excuse me, I think you mean my best friend," Jaemin says, wrapping an arm over her shoulders. "I'm ready to reclaim my spot as best friend, thank you very much." He playfully glares at the other boys, causing Jihyun to laugh.

Jeno walks down the stairs from his room, being draw to them by their loud laughter. He walks over to their table, taking a seat across from Jaemin.

"What's going on here?" He says lightly, eyeing the pair across from him.

"Just catching up"

"Yeah, I'm stealing back my bestie" Jaemin says. Jihyun laughs playfully at his words, missing the challenge in his eyes as he and Jeno stare at one another.

"Well, Jeno, it's actually good that you're here. I have to go meet with the council about finalizing my ace team, so can you show them around? I already scanned in their clearance and I'll take care of the tattoos later, just show them how stuff works and where everything is. I'll be back in a hour." She stands with a smile before rushing out of the room.

She heads down the hallway towards the meeting office, as she turns the corner, a hand spins her around from behind. Caught off guard, she draws her knife, holding it up to strike her attacker, but soon lowering it when she sees that it's Taeyong.

"Taeyong what the hell was that for?"

"A plan huh?" he says quietly.

"What are you talking about?"

"getting them to your team. You've had this planned out."

"W-what makes you say that?" She stutters out, eyes wide.

"Jihyun I heard you." He explains, dropping his cold expression. "I was going to congratulate the new trainees and overheard your conversation." Jihyun nods her head uncertainly, waiting for him to continue.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna say anything, I trust your judgement and I know those kids are talented. Just be careful next time, Jaehyun has clearance to that room too and you know that he's crazy about that type of stuff."

Jihyun lets out a breath of relief, nodding her head in understanding before giving him a quick hug.

"Thanks Taeyong, I owe you one." She says with a laugh as the two continue walking down the hallway.

"Babysit the chaos kids tonight for me?"


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