Chapter 38 | "run"

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She freezes, hearing the safety being unlocked from the gun next to her.

"What do you think you're doing? Are you insane?" She whispers out to the guy next to her in disbelief.

"You'd always said you'd die for family, right Jihyun?" He whispers to her in return, pushing the gun firmly against her head.


"Well good, because you're the only thing standing in my way." He seethes out darkly.

"What are you talking about? Why are you doing this Johnny?" She shouts out.

"Why am I doing this?" He laughs out, signaling to some people behind him, lowering his gun as some of the guards grab her arms. He walks to stand in front of her, backing up a few steps.

"You have it all. You're the heiress, the leader, the ace. I never envied you, Jihyun, in fact, I loved you dearly as a sister. I was so grateful to be adopted into a family with a sister like you."

"Then why? Why are you betraying me?" She says, forcing herself to stop shaking and putting on a brave face.

"Well when you had your little...mentality change, it got me thinking. I had completely forgotten about what happened with your brother, but you brought it to my attention again. You weren't supposed to be heiress, but your brother got disowned. What would happen if you were gone? That's when I realized that I would be next to take over." He says smugly, fiddling with his gun.

"I just had to get rid of you, and well, here we are" he smiles, looking around the room.

"You'll never take over, none of the members would ever let you do that." She spits out harshly.

"Oh, but wouldn't they?" He raises an eyebrow, signaling to some people behind her. Her eyes widen in disbelief as Taeil and Doyoung walk to stand next to him, tears starting to well in her eyes. She hears another set of footsteps, her jaw dropping when she sees Renjun going to stand beside her brother.

"Renjun..." she breaths out, staring at her friend. He's unable to meet her eyes, choosing to stare straight at the ground. Taeil and Doyoung on the other hand stare right at her, dark and triumphant smirks on their faces.

"You two...why?" She breathes out, staring at the two older boys.

"Well, you can't possibly think that I'm the only one who was hungry for power." Johnny says with a smile. "They'll be caporegimes once you're gone. Your precious members will have to listen to me, that or they'll die."

He walks over to Renjun, patting his back. The younger boy looks up for the first time, a blank expression on his face. Jihyun stares at him and sees the pain in his eyes, despite his best efforts to hide it.

"Renjun, it seems your time has come." Johnny smirks at his sister, leaning down next to Renjun.

"Kill her."

- - -

Taeyong makes it to the bottom of the ladder doing a quick headcount of the members. Three are missing plus Jihyun. As the mats slide away, the ceiling becomes see through.

"One way glass stuff, they can't see down here but we can see out." Mark whispers to Jisung as he opens his mouth to ask. "You can ask Ten about it later."

Taeyong is about to call out to the other members down when the doors fly open.

"Oh nice, it's the guards!" Jaehyun exclaims, pushing his way to the ladder and starting to climb up. He stops when he sees them drawing their weapons, jumping back down and turning to Taeyong, fear and confusion in his eyes.

"Sorry, Jihyun, but we're not with you anymore."

After hearing those words, Taeyong's eyes widen in realization. Taking a shaky breath, he climbs up to the door and pulls it tightly shut.

"Taeyong what the hell!" Sicheng yells out as the door locks, staring at the older boy in shock.

"She gave me one command, if the threat reaches us, lock the door. She'll be fine, and the others are still up there to back her." Taeyong says, addressing the crowd.

"She can take them, especially with back up. It'll be fine, we're just going to wait this out." Jaehyun says, sitting down.

The four trainees watch in horror as Jihyun stands and faces the armed guards.

"She'll be okay right?" Jisung whispers out nervously.

"They said she'll be fine. I'm sure she's dealt with worse." Chenle whispers back.

"Renjun and some of the others are there too, they'll help her." Jeno adds on. "See, there goes Johnny now." He says as they watch Johnny approaching her.

There's a collective gasp around the room when Johnny draws his gun on her. Taeyong and Jaehyun's faces turning extremely pale.

"Why aren't those three doing anything?" Jaehyun shouts in anger, slamming his fist against the wall while staring at Doyoung, Taeil, and Renjun.

A deadly silence falls over the room as the three boys walk to stand beside Johnny, all the members watching in disbelief.

"Traitors" Yuta spits out, his knuckles turning white as he grips onto the chair in front of him in anger.

"What are you guys doing?! We have to help her!" Jaemin shouts, running up to the ladder and pushing on the door.

"Jaemin, it doesn't work like that." Mark says, grabbing his shoulders and pulling him down. "Once we lock it, we can't unlock it from here."

"Well what do we do?" Jeno says angrily.

"We can't just leave her alone like that!" Jaemin yells, desperation in his words.

"Just wait a second kid, we don't know what his plan is." Jaehyun breathes out, staring at Johnny through the floor and listening carefully.

"Kill her" at those words the room is sent into a frenzy. Jaemin starts screaming, Mark and Jaehyun talk quietly to try and plan. Sungchan and Sicheng walk over to a cabinet near the wall, quickly passing out weapons, while Taeyong paces on the side Of the room.

"Ok, we have to act fast. Follow me" Taeyong orders, walking towards the far wall and revealing a secret passage. "We don't have much time." He pushes a button, lighting up the hallway.


PLEASE DONT KILL ME I SWEAR I LOVE JOHNNY, TAEIL, DOYOUNG, AND RENJUN. I chose them using a random number generator lmao but yes the story is getting interesting now, enjoy!
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