Chapter 54 | "didn't think so"

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"Jaehyun? What are you doing? Get her out of there!" Ten shouts into his earpiece but Jaehyun ignores it, too focused on the girl in front of him.

"S-Seyoung, what are you doing here?" He stutters out, staring at her with wide eyes.

"I joined Bangtan when they attacked us a few years ago. How do you think Johnny got working with them, hmm?" She smiles at him.

"You set this up? Why?"

"To finally get rid of this bitch" she says, shoving her gun harder into Jihyun's head, causing her to wince. "Always the perfect girl, the badass mafia ace, and I had to live in her shadow. The second best girl, not the prized possession she was, and I'm sick of it." Seyoung seethes out.

"Jaehyun! Shoot her! Hurry up, what's wrong with you!" Ten screams, losing his mind as he helplessly tries to get to Jaehyun.

"Seyoung...How could you do this? You-you left me." Jaehyun replies, his voice breaking.

"Jae! Snap out of it!"

"Still heartbroken, Jae?" She sneers back coldly. Jaehyun clenches his gun, pointing it at her head. "Come on, Jae. Remember our time together? I loved you. How could you shoot me?"

He gulps, his hands starting to shake as he stared back at the girl.

"You can't shoot me, can you?" She smirks back as Jaehyun continues to stare at her, the grip on his gun loosening.

"Jaehyun! Shoot her now!" Ten repeats into his ear, but he's caught in a trance, tears welling in his eyes. Jihyun's eyes widen, seeing his current state as panic starts to set in.

"Didn't think so. Say goodbye to little miss perfect." She pulls the trigger when there's a loud bang. A bullet whizzes past Jaehyun and straight into Seyoung's head, knocking her dead, causing her bullet to fire into Jihyun's shoulder instead.

Jaehyun is harshly shoved to the side as Jaemin rushes past, putting his gun back in his holster and running over to Jihyun. He gently pulls the tape off of her mouth and begins untying her, working quickly but carefully.

"Ji, are you okay?" He asks nervously, seeing all the blood and bruises littering her skin. "wait that's a dumb question, you're obviously not okay, but you will be. We're here now, alright? You'll be okay." He works quickly to undo the ropes that were digging into her shaking body as Taeyong runs into the room.

"Jihyun! Oh my god." He exclaims, looking at her condition in horror. "Jaehyun what the hell is wrong with you!" He yells to the other boy, snapping him out of his daze. Jaemin gently uses his sleeve to wipe the blood and tears away from her face as Taeyong carefully places his hands behind her neck and under her legs, lifting her up and moving out of the room.

As they exit the room, they see Jimin standing there, gun raised. Sungchan and Jeno quickly pull out their guns, pointing it at the older boy.

"Jimin..." Jihyun weakly breathes out, making eye contact with the other boy. He quickly glances down the hallway before lowering his gun and stepping to the side.

"Go quick." The other boys look at him in shock as Jihyun musters up a small grateful smile. They rush past him, throwing nervous glances over their shoulder.

"We've got her and we're coming out, can we get some cover?" Taeyong says into his earpiece as he turns down the hallway.

"We got your back" Eric responds as the Boyz run up to them, forming a small circle around the group.

Jeno, Jaemin, and Sungchan worriedly glance down at Jihyun as they run through the hallways, shooting at anyone who tries to stop them.

"Ji! Ji im so sorry, I don't know what I was doing." Jaehyun says, grasping her hand and staring down at her with tears in his eyes. "You-you could've died and I-I didn't even do anything, I don't know what's wrong with me, I-"

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