Chapter 34 | "dance with me"

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They arrive at the school, the dance already underway, NCT being the last to arrive as she takes note of all the other gang members cars in the lot. Jaehyun opens her door for her, offering his arm once again as they walk into the building, following the other members.

"You know, this might be the longest we've gone without fighting." She says, playfully nudging him.

"Yeah well I was gone on a mission for a few weeks so uhhh" he says sarcastically. "And plus, I know how to be a gentleman when I want to be." He says with a wink.

"Mmh you should try it more often, less headaches for me." The two laugh together, making small conversation before reaching the auditorium.

The double doors open up and all eyes turn to watch as NCT, headed up by Taeyong, Mark, and Yuta, enter the room, the students all staring at the handsome boys walking through the door. Jihyun and Jaehyun enter last, Jaehyun guiding her in with a hand placed on her lower back.

All the students stop and stare at Jihyun, their jaws dropping at the sight of her. Johnny discreetly turns around, giving her a thumbs up as he notices the reaction of the students.

She smiles to herself, Johnny chose a good dress for her. All the other girls were wearing poofy party dresses that made them look like children next to her, despite being the same age.

She looks at the students with a smirk as they begin to whisper amongst themselves. As she walks in, she continues scanning the room, eventually spotting her friends on the far side. Jisung waving at her with a smile, while Chenle and Renjun each give her a thumbs up. All three of them look handsome in simple black suits with their hair slightly styled.

Her eyes finally land on Jaemin and Jeno, both of them gaping at her with wide eyes, causing her to smile. Both of them look incredibly handsome, Jeno sporting a black blazer over a crisp white shirt and thin black tie. His dark hair pushed back slightly, highlighting his eyes and sharp jawline. Jaemin was wearing a white suit jacket over a white shirt, tucked into his pants. His blonde hair was left fluffy and slightly ruffled, making him look even more handsome.

"You know you're the prettiest girl here" Jaehyun leans down to whisper in her ear, causing Jaemin and Jeno to stiffen.

"Thank you, you're not too bad yourself." She whispers back with a smile causing Jaehyun to pout slightly. "What? You want me to say you're the most handsome?" Jaehyun nods his head happily. "Well I'd say you're the most handsome to Taeyong" she laughs out.

Jaehyun looks at her, feigning offense before taking her arm and leading her over to the corner where the other mafia members are. She take a seat between Taeyong and Jaehyun at a table with the rest of the council.

"Long time no see, Miss Jang" she turns around at the sound of a voice behind her, breaking into a bright smile when she sees a familiar figure in front of her.

"Hyunjin!" She exclaims, standing from her seat and hugging the taller boy. "It's been too long, how've you been?"

"I've been good," he says, leading her over to Stray Kids' table after getting an approving nod from Jaehyun. "We've all missed you, it's been so long since you came over to train with me."

"I know and I'm sorry. I've been really busy" she says, as he pulls out a chair for her.

"I get it, but I'm glad to be able to catch up with you." He says sitting down while rest of Stray Kids turn to look at her.

"Jihyun! It's great to see you again!"

"Yeah it's been a while!"

"You look beautiful."

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