Chapter 69 | "i got you"

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"Ji, look out!" She hears Mark call out to her right as she's knocked to the ground, her gun knocked out of her hand. One of the guards tackled her, pinning her down with his body weight.

She quickly rolls to the side, narrowly avoiding the knife in his hand. He grabs her, his knee placed directly on her stab wound, digging into it and causing her to cry out in pain.

She tries to push him off but hes too heavy. She looks for her gun but it's just out of reach. She watches in horror as the guard draws his arm back, the knife pointed directly at her.

A gunshot goes off and the guard is shoved off of her body.

"Thanks Sungchan" she says, taking his hand as he pulls her to her feet.

"Of course, you ok?" She nods, grabbing her gun as they continue down the hallway.

"Guys!" They see Sicheng turn the corner to face them. "We found them, they're trying to leave out the back!"

The two of them begin to run, following Sicheng who leads them back to Mark and Donghyuck. They break down the garage door to see a black van leaving the building.

They run after the van, sliding under the garage door and drawing their guns.

"We don't know where Jaemin is! Be careful!" Sicheng calls out as they open fire, aiming for the tires instead.

The van swerved from side to side but they are able to successfully pop the tires, running over to the van with their guns raised.

They rip open the doors, shooting at the guards until they're all lying dead. They open up the back of the van and find Jaemin tied up. Donghyuck pulls out a knife, cutting him free.

"We have to go, they rest of Seventeen is here and are planning to follow." Jaemin says urgently, panic evident in his voice.

"What do we do?" Mark asks, looking around the alley and seeing no real way out except at the far end.

"Leave it to me." Donghyuck smiles, pulling a small device out of his pocket and walking over to one of the large vans parked on the side. He slaps the device onto the hood of the car and presses a button, the car roaring to life.

"Electricity jump starter. New thing that Yangyang and I came up with." He says proudly, holding the door open. Sicheng quickly slides into the drivers seat as the rest of them pile in, Jaemin and Jihyun sitting in the back together as Sicheng drives away.

"Mark," Sicheng calls back, "ring Ten or Taeyong and tell them we're coming home." Mark nods, pulling out his phone.

"Thank you for coming back for me." Jaemin says quietly, looking at the girl seated next to him.

"We're you worried?" He shakes his head.

"No, I always knew you would."

"I'd never leave you behind." They smile at one another as he reaches out to hold her hand.

"So does this make us even now?"

"What do you mean?" She replies, turning to him in confusion.

"Well I saved your life before, and now you saved mine. So we're even right?" She laughs slightly at his remark.

"Actually I think you saved my life twice now, if I remember correctly, and if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have been in this situation in the first place."

"It's not your fault that Jeno and I were dumb. Plus, you didn't just save my life. You escaped and still came back for me, that's gotta count as double."

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