Chapter 64 | "not gonna be happy"

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Jihyun watches from outside the ring as Jeno and Jaemin battle against one another. Their fight so far had been intense, a darkness in their eyes as they swung at each other with full force.

Jaemin was able to out maneuver Jeno, pushing him onto the ground with a thud. Jaemin jumps on him, trying to pin him quickly but fails. Jeno is fast to rush back to his feat, sending Jaemin flying with a harsh kick to the side.

Jaemin scrambles back up, wiping the blood from his face as he goes to attack again. They fight ruthlessly, each boy knocking the other around and landing harsh blows.

The members watch with worried faces, their eyes flickering between the fight and Jihyun, waiting for her reaction. She watches with furrowed brows, not wanting them to get hurt but also not wanting to misread the situation and break up a good practice fight.

Jeno is able to get the upper hand on Jaemin, flipping him over his shoulder and slamming the dark haired boy into the mat with a force that even makes Jihyun wince. Jeno jumps on him, securing the other boy to the ground in what seems to be a definite victory.

Jeno begins to swing at Jaemin's head, landing hits on his jaw and face. Jaemin says something but none of the members can make it out as Jeno continues to punch him. The fight doesn't end without a yield and Jihyun is silently screaming for Jaemin to give in, confused as to why he's letting Jeno continue.

Jeno swings hard, hitting Jaemin's nose with a small crack as blood begins to flow from it. Jihyun's eyes widen, looking around and seeing almost all of her members on their feet. Her eyes land on Sungchan and Sicheng, both looking at her with concerned gazes. She quickly nods her head to them, the pair standing immediately and jumping the fence into the arena to drag Jeno off of the now bloody Jaemin.

Once freed from Jeno, Jaemin leaps to his feet, spitting blood from his mouth as he approaches the other boy. He grabs the collar of Jeno's shirt, slamming him into the fence around the arena.

"What the hell is your problem, Jeno? I fucking yielded you psychopath!" Jeno harshly shoved Jaemin back, the two of them fuming in anger.

"It's not my fault you couldn't fucking take it."

"Listen here you little shit-"

"What are you gonna do, weak-ass?"

"I swear-" the two began shoving each other back, shouting in each other's faces in anger.

"Screw you"

"Shut up asshole"


"ENOUGH." Jihyun says, hopping the fence and running to stand between the two boys, Sicheng and Sungchan each restraining one of them.

"What are you guys doing? You're both part of the same team here and this is just a simulation, you're not supposed to hurt each other!" She exclaims, looking back and fourth between the two boys with a mix of concern and frustration.

"I promise that there's plenty of people you'll get to kill and who want to kill you too, you don't need to go after one another!"

"It's not my fault he didn't stop when I yielded..." Jaemin trailed off quietly, causing Jihyun to widen her eyes and turn to Jeno with an angry glare.

"You did what Jeno?" She whispered lowly.

"He should've been able to take it if he's really strong enough. Just proving that you and I are the strongest team here, am I right? We won!" He exclaimed happily.

"Jeno it doesn't matter! We're not trying to prove anything! News flash: everyone in this room is on the same fucking team and we're all damn good at what we do. These competitions are for fun. As a fun way to train you guys. But this isn't fun. You never, NEVER, celebrate seriously hurting another member. Ever." She growled out in anger, the anger dripping from her every word as the room falls silent, no one daring to make a sound.

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