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Jaehyun walked down the long dark hallway, following the sound of the screams until he reached his destination. He swung open the door, leaning on the doorframe with an intimidating smirk on his face as he looked at the scene in front of him.

"you better start fucking talking or I will- hey Jaehyun- tear your face off and feed it to you." they were in an office, papers everywhere, as a man sat on the floor, drenched in his own blood with one eye swollen shut and his left wrist bending at a strange angle. A girl slowly circled around him, not even looking at Jaehyun when she addressed him. "I'll be done here soon, Jae."

He simply hummed in acknowledgement as he watched her continue. A predator circling her prey. She looked pristine, not a single hair out of place, perfect posture, her weapon-lined clothes smoothed out as she stood over the man. The only indication of her involvement with the bloodied mess on the ground in front of her was the blood on her right knuckles and the dark glint in her eyes. She bent down in front him, grabbing his chin and forcing him to look at her as she glared with a mocking smile.

"what? nothing to say?" she stood up, harshly throwing him down, his head making a harsh bang as it made contact with the ground. He started to sit up, only for her to kick him in the back and knock him back down, a small laugh leaving her lips.

"Please! I didn't know anything! I beg for your mercy!" he huffed at her through labored breaths. Jaehyun cleared his throat after checking his watch.

"we have to go, can you wrap this up?" She looked at him and nodded before turning her attention back to the man on the ground, with a confused look on her face.

"Mercy, huh?" She says, clicking her tongue as she turned on her heel and walked towards the door to leave. The man slowly stood up, a shocked smile on his face before a loud bang was heard. He lay dead on the ground, a bullet straight through his heart. The girl put the gun back into her holster, walking away with Jaehyun following behind her.

"It's seems as though that word is not my vocabulary."

- - -

The two of them walk into the room as 17 pairs of eyes fall on the girl, a certain air of authority surrounded her as she took her place at the large table. Jaehyun took the seat to her right as the rest looked at her expectantly.

"Starting tomorrow, the new trainee school will be in session." she watched as the boys eyes light up in excitement. "I need you all to remember that most of them will die anyway so you cannot get attached. I will have no weaknesses, none. Is that clear?" They nod their heads in understanding while she scans the room fighting back the smile pulling at her lips.

"that's all for now. go get some rest, I'll see you tomorrow." the boys file out one by one, standing from their seats and quickly rushing to the exit, as she hears their excited voices start to fill the highway.

The last member walks to the door before noticing her, still in her seat, staring into space with a unreadable expression on her face. He turns back around and puts a hand on her shoulder.

"You coming?" She snaps out of her trance and turns to look at her adopted brother.

"Yeah, just thinking about tomorrow."

"well, come on then, I'll help you pick an outfit. You gotta dress to give off those badass mafia vibes" he pauses for a second before plastering a huge smile on his face. "you know what time it is?"

"please don't say it-"

"it's time for Johnny's Fashion Evaluation!" he grabs her hand and pulls her out of her seat, dragging the small girl behind him.

"ugh, I'm going to kill you someday." she deadpans as he continues to run to her room.

"well I would challenge you, but no one can kill the imfamous Jang Jihyun, can they?"

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